The small party of three came to a run down building that looked as though it had begun falling apart long before the disease. With its crooked signs and its warp rafters, it looked uninhabitable. There was almost no roof on the building. Lee lead them inside including the horses. She stopped at the farthest end of the room and picked her was over the debris until she was standing behind a counter. Here, she bent down out of sight and came back up, pulling open a trapdoor. The trapdoor was big enough to fit the horses and opened onto a staircase, leading into a basement. Inside the basement, the walls were lined with shelves covered in bottles and packets of various kinds of medicines. In one corner was a mat with some wool blankets and a feather pillow. in another corner was a door. Lee reached for the reins of the others' horses. "They go in there" She pointed at the door. "They're safest there. Not like the undead would really be a threat. They're too stupid to figure out the trapdoor."