For reference! We have 8 characters. [hider=Character Directory][url=]Danny[/url] [url=]Annabeth[/url] [url=]Killian[/url] [url=]Orion[/url] [url=]Arista[/url] [url=]Fleur[/url] [url=]Catherine[/url] [url=]Alice[/url][/hider] I believe we're waiting on Annabeth and Catherine to post. School and other things starting up this time of year could be a factor. Based on your last post, I have a feeling we have trouble headed our way?! :P Personally, I think it would be fine to proceed and have any Tamer who hasn't gotten their Digimon yet simply meet their partners in the heat of action. But that's your call to make, depending on how you want to pace things. I don't wanna advocate leaving other people in the dust.