[i]Mary[/i] At Lazarus’ words of there not being anything in Finch’s Loft for her anymore, Mary immediately tensed her eyes going wide. Being kicked out of this place would be a death sentence. She couldn’t survive in this world, and the only other option was for her to be taken by whoever was still after her. Preferably, she would die before meeting her captor again. She relaxed as he explained himself further, and settled down next to her. As he continued to explain, Mary smiling at the familiar gesture, she began to think she understood what was going on. And the idea was appealing to say the least. It would be just like going back to college. Sure it would be a magical college, with who knows what going on, but the general idea would be the same. People going to a school to further their careers in a specific field. It just so happened that this field was magical musicisians. It would be a fresh start. Something new and a way to actually get out of the past and into the world. Mary felt herself calming down and a peacefulness settling over her. She was unaware that this was Lazarus’ doing but was grateful for it nonetheless. She could almost forget the thing that was inside of her mind and bonded to her soul, and all of the scars that came along with it. Self consciously, she tugged on her shirtsleeves as if to pull them up higher to ensure none of her scars were actually showing. “Well…I’ve always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. And I have to adapt to this new world somehow, right?” The thing inside of her was silent, apparently realizing the uselessness of trying to get through to her with Lazarus’ potent mental walls blocking its way. And for one brief moment, Mary actually felt like a normal human being.