When the attack hit Kaz was ecstatic. His first match was a victory! It was then that he realized that he had launched into the air with no plan of recovery. He landed flat on his back and hit his head. As the elevated part of the stage lowered back down he could see his two teammates jumping for joy. Just then a thought crossed his mind, [i]I could get used to this.[/i] He laid there for a moment as the two rushed him. Nala: "That was awesome!" Emi: "Seriously you're the coolest!" Kaz: "The hottest actually..." Finally, he got up and walked off the arena with Nala and Emi. Before they could make it to the changing room they were met by Wan Lo, who was practically beaming with joy. Wan Lo: "I can't even believe it. All you had to do was participate but you went and won the whole match practically on your own!" Nala: "Emi was the one who couldn't keep up." Emi: "I was keeping up better than you, miss thunder thighs...." Nala: "You want to call me that again!?" Kaz: "You both kinda sucked." Nala & Emi: "Awww...." Wan Lo: "Kazuhira you have to stay with the Lizard Crows now right? I'll even pay for dinner tonight to celebrate." The thought of a free meal was too good to resist. Nala and Emi were excited about it as well. It was clear that this team had never been that great and they were probably used to losing matches. Later that night they would meet at the Rascal Flats Restaurant, a moderately expensive place with plenty of seafood. Kaz made his way there to eat his fill of a free meal.