#9 Evelyn stepped out of the truck and gazed around at the scene in bemusement. Renaissance fairs were a gateway into the medieval period but she couldn't help be reminded of another long-forgotten epoch: 21st century America. It was hard to believe that places like this had existed, packed full of people escaping into a fantasy realm. She stared at the fire pit, imagining joyous families around it as their children played and the sounds of their laughter echoed across the fair. She blinked and immediately remembered where she was. In the corpse of something that had once been enjoyable. There were weapons strewn across the grass, dilapidated port-o-potties, a truck that presumably belonged to the man with the lance and, most conspicuously, the eye-sore that was the festering garbage can inundated with empty boxes of mac n' cheese. "Looks like you're doing better than just surviving." commented Evelyn dully, watching as the man dragged animal carcasses from the flatbed of the truck they had arrived in. At least they would be eating tonight.