[quote=So Boerd] If you can ever reach me. We don't share even a secondary border. [/quote] No, but if you send all the men through a grinder, their won't be anything blocking the path. [quote=So Boerd] So already, you have Vearin, Trisch, the Church, and Aaldoranfeald, and Jorvik against you. You're going to win...how? [/quote] The Trisch has little to no military, killed by Bikriki's armies. The Church has nothing to blink an eye at in comparison [quote=The Nexerus] You have some very severe delusions to work through before I'd feel comfortable calling you sane. [/quote] I'm as sane as any society would label. But first off, before we continue; I still haven't made any personal insults towards you or your actions. In fact if you really feel compelled to use this banter as fuel for your war, go ahead. Secondly, I would not be labeled insane or crazy in any sort of psych evaluation. I study Psychology, and not that the personal evaluation was made by myself, but it was reviewed by others who had the same point of view. I am not an insane man, Nexerus. I'm blunt, paranoid, sometimes frightened or intimidated, but most of all I am stressed beyond repair and have a heart so big I am a grown man that cries over pain and anguish from others or myself, because you see, my mental state is affected by others. I have wild and uncontrollable emotions. Now while you may wish to call me a child, I have my own set of skills. While those skills may not be mathematical, historical, grammatical, or even the simple... control, my skills are most heavily weighed in facts. I am stronger than you in ways as you are also stronger than me in others. You see I am very sane, and while you continue to slander me and harass me, I forbid it to lower myself to your inhuman standards. Say what you will, say everything, spit it out. But at the end of the day, Solterra has a chance at that crown, and you'll just have to deal with me. Now, you will become slightly happier as I make this next decision; I'm done. Public talk is over, any relations or hostilities will be handled ingame. For I have to prepare Solterra for a random battle to happen without true reason. Spittle everything you have out here and now, if there really is more to say. But I will not speak in OOC again. I am tired of the hostility, false accusations, insults, and hollow grudges.