hello phoenix and thank you for wanting to join the rp and for not making a military character, since we have too many of those already. I like that you put good and bad personality traits in your CS. I like the character. My only request is that you flesh out the appearance and the bio a bit more. Since you don't have a pic I would like to have more description of your characters looks : what is his height, what color are his eyes, his hair, his skin tone, how skinny/not so skinny is he, things like that. For the bio, I know I stated that we didn't need a whole lot of history, but more then 2 sentences would be appreciated. Like where did he come from, what is his family situation, how has he been surviving this whole time, was he in a group or always by himself, where was he when the outbreak happened, things like that. I look forward to seeing your completed character.