Ramera sat on the edge of the wall, feet dangling over the edge, and arms behind her back, propping her up. She surveyed the area below, now completely empty, excluding the mass of dead bodies, piled atop one another. She gazed down, seeing burned cloth flutter in the breeze. She let out an exhale, feeling herself ease as she did so. There'd been commotion after the battle, but now everything once again stood still. The gatekeeper had left his post for some sort of personal reasons. So now, she was destined for a lonely night atop the wall. Her sister Anora was better suited out of the two of them for long distance flight, and Clo was still recuperating from the battle prior to the attack. Thus, Anora would probably scout out to either locate some source, or if there are, remnants of the horde. And so, she would continue her watch. Well, it wasn't like she disliked it, being alone with one's thoughts could be refreshing and relaxing. Her thoughts drifted back to her fortune from Sun earlier. She had yet to read it yet, still it felt like ages since she received it from him and yet it had only been a few hours ago.