Calistarius heard the scream of the machine spirit of the ship as it impacted the other, all of it's components crying in pain and indignity for the fate that was thrust -quite literally- upon them, to be a mere part of a space hulk. But he only paid attention to the raging battle when his work was interrupted, the blades working on his hands cutting a deep gash into the flesh of the man upon which he had been working a mere seconds before, by a violent shudder from the ship, most likely the result of one or more explosions that occurred. He looked down at the servitor he had been building, it was useless now with it's delicate arrangements thrown into disarray by the gash he had cut accidentally into it's minimally enhanced flesh; letting out a binaric cry of frustration, he reviewed the logs of the ship thanks to his easily accessible noospheric connection to the ship's spirit: Imminent collision; Collision; Boarding parties detected inside of the ship. Based on this he deduced that the latest raid had been unsuccessful and that someone had finally pursued them and thrown them into their current state. Letting out a binary chant -in annoyance at the further setbacks to his work- he went to his servitor, clad in the flak armor of an unlucky member of the warband and reactivated him. The creature looked to him, awaiting his command and he handed him his lasrifle; it had been some time but he had finally finished attaching it's laser sight and improving it's quality...the work was not difficult....he had been merely dissected by other pursuits. After that was done, the Idolitrex Magos grabbed his power axe, feeling the gentle thrum of the power source as it was activated and felt the machine spirit of his ballistic mechadendrite come back to life, and made his way towards the area where the ships internal auspex showed that the fight was thickest, the servitor following him a short distant behind with the lasrifle clutched on it's hands, determined to make pay those who set back his goals.