[hider=Blacksmith Edwen Ironblood] [center][b]Name:[/b][/center] [center] Edwen IronBlood [/center] [center][b]Age:[/b][/center] [center]30 years[/center] [center][b]Apearance:[/b][/center] [img=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/7621/188245-blacksmith_by_buddhathegod_super.jpg] 6'3 weighing in at 220lbs of raw metal busting muscle [center][b]Personality[/b][/center] He is just plain helpfull and crafty. He is patient, yet assertive, and has a wounderfull habbit of working for dirt cheap. When he gets "Fired Up" its tough to calm him down, because he is just that passionate. [center][b]Bio:[/b][/center] Its said he was born from the stars and not of man. For only the stars could produce someone so attuned to a furnace, forge, anvil, and hammer. Smithing has been his life for as long as anybody can remember. Some people claim that he smithed them weapons and armour even before he was BORN! The stories are endless but they all add up to one simple solution: this man can cook metal like a god. Smithing started for this curious person when they were only an infant. The hammer, just never seemed heavy to them, so they swung it about their fathers workshop like a playtoy. It was to the fathers astonishment, when before the child could even walk, he came home to custom fitted armour. It wa obvious he was dealing with a prodigy. An aprentincship was in the boys near future with a renowned blacksmith, a dragon named Alva-Char. So edwen learned to smith from dragons. It was a handy investment because now he can smith with nearly no rescources, and without a furnace because the firebreath he was taught is hotter than any natural flame. With speed, and precision, Edwen carved out a name with his hammer, and is widely renownst as the greates human blacksmith to ever live. [center][b]Ability[/b][/center] Edwen can produce a fire breath, as hot as astar supposedly, smith just about any material, even sand. He has a small aray of sorceries, and knowledge of runes, allowing him to make gear wth incredible enchantments. His "Dragon Eyes" can also see valuable rescources, however deep beneath the earth they hide. [/hider]