Name: Theo Cyprus Nicknames/Aliases: Cy / Ciro Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Theo stands at 5’7 and has an athletic frame of a lean gymnast. His hair for the most part is semi-short and messy with dark auburn locks that are hard to tame. With strands of curls going whichever directions, he either gels it back or just leave it be, depending on his mood. A light set of freckles are dusted across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. When choosing his clothes, a personal preference for him is various jackets, fur-trimmed vests, and long sleeves shirts – all things that you often see one wear during the fall or winter due to his poor blood circulation. Personality: Although easygoing and respectful, Theo can seem rather indifferent and standoffish at first. He is awfully calm in most situations and has a tendency to nod patiently – with disinterest – to all things not relevant to him. Impartial to most things in life, he hardly ever speaks out and remains in the background. In truth, the silence stems from his indecisiveness and a personal habit of taking situations lightly when the problem itself is a lot more dire than he makes it out to be. He hates to make decisions without the opinion of others and often frets when alone, wondering what to do next while hiding his anxiety with a confident persona. To him, the world is all gray with the roads too blurred so why not just walk down the path that people had already set for him? Despite his cold demeanor, Theo holds a surprising yet hidden amount of optimism and patience. He cares for the feelings of others – which may cause him to sugarcoat his words – and is an acute listener when needed. Having no qualms with taking orders if it's for the better good, he is quite dependable when he takes responsibility of a project or a person, doing whatever is necessary to see to his duties with persistence. Skills: Theo is notably athletic and flexible as he was once a gymnast since the young age of 5, He can work his way through vaults, tumbles, and bars with relative ease after rigorous training at gyms and high competitions. Utilizing his skills in hand-eyes coordination and balance, he can swing his way around a pole and land on his feet without so much of a struggle. His upper body strength allows him the ability to do multiple pull-ups and carry heavy objects. High pain tolerance is another subject to point out after many mistakes and accidents he had to endure in order to perfect his flips and explosive tricks. As for skills outside of athletics, only his poker plays are worthy a mention. With a natural disinterest in almost just about everything, it wasn’t hard for Theo to be known his poker face and carefully crafted expressions to fool his enemies into folding or betting it all. His skills in poker are not exceptional, but they’re decent enough. History: Theo was born the youngest of his three siblings – the first two oldest being twin brothers while the third was an adopted sister. Both of his parents were the breadwinners of the family, providing for their needs and financing any extracurricular activities the children might be in. A mother who's a teacher and a father as a coach, his family may not have been the richest, but they were well put with their current income as middle class folks. Ever since from a young age, Theo had always surrounded by athletes and a home that have shelves filled with golden trophies. With his father being the high school’s soccer coach, his sister as a professional gymnast, and the twins being renowned tennis players with multiple medals beneath their belt, Theo’s future career was pretty much set in stone early in his life. Sports were held on a pedestal in this family and often associated it with pride and good health. It was also made as a way to bond with the family as, whenever given the chance, his mother would bring Theo high on the stands and watch every game his siblings were in. Ironically, this made other's view Theo as inferior when compared to his siblings, the benchmark of success already too high by the time he was born. His parent's high expectations didn't help as well. When Theo turned 5 years old, his sister retired from balance beams and bars as soon as her liver started to fail due to a genetic disease. Jealous of the twins who share the same sport together and could still play, His sister convinced their parents to enroll Theo into gymnastics to continue in her name; thus, resulting in his current status as a gymnast with his sister being both his advisor and coach. Other: Theo has a good sense of beat and rhythm since his gymnastics training called for it, but his musical talents are practically nonexistent. At most, he can play the drums barely decently. Sample post: [hider=Sample Post] Theo’s eyes were heavy; he could barely keep them open especially with the amount of lead behind the lids. It would be such a waste if he were to fall asleep since the place he had situated himself in gave the most perfect view of the all the players. He was in the very back of the stands, his line of sight allowed him to look below and watch the seas of various heads from above. People dressed in reds and blues ran across the field, chasing after a rubber ball. Theo had been all out of breath since he had arrived to the stadium, having to run straight from practice to the stadium and climb two set of stairs just to get the last remaining seat in the bleachers. Although, all that effort went to waste since he made it in time for the second quarter of the game. He has a commitment he need to fulfill tonight; otherwise, he would have been asleep or accompanying his sister by now. However, it was a promise he didn’t mind finishing. Someone must’ve made a touchdown. The score board changed the numbers, a red digital 27 switched into 30, as the roar of the crowd became a muffle in his ear. Instead of standing up to join the cheer, he merely slumped forward, cradling his head in the palms of his hands. It was almost too much. All of his attention focused on the dryness of his eyes, the numbing darkness in his mind, and the throbbing pain in his back. He had tried. He really did. These desires to watch the game, the long standing tradition to just be there for his brothers - the victory pass that his brothers’ so wanted the family to see – it just wasn’t enough to keep him awake despite the high rising energy surrounding him. It wasn’t long before everything went black when he tried to blink just once. hot intake of breath step push don’t look close your eyes hands blood tears glass shattering iamflying-- How many times did he experience this dream? Well, actually, could this really be considered a dream? Dreams are visions, sights to behold. Here, there is only darkness that would blind his sight but overwhelm his body with sensations. The same familiar senses that teased his very being and left him in a state of daze every time. He was drowning in the sounds and smells of ember and oil, a burning sensation in his veins, his breath was too shallow, he could taste metal in his mouth. Every once in a while, jolts of joy or stabs of pain would course its way deeply through his flesh -- almost as if it intended to leave bruises in each bone. But, most of all, there was an impression of flying or - to be more accurate - a sense of diving. It almost reminded him of the bars, of aerobatics that he could only experience by the fall of artistic flips in gymnastics or maybe not even then. blood tears falling falling sudden impact crunch bones snapping screams screams silence Theo’s eyes twitched and slowly opened, instantly greeted by the shining stadium lights. In his pockets, his cell phone vibrated. Taking it out, he could barely read the words through his glazed sight as his phone flashed the words “The Twins” in big white text. [i]Had a nice nap?[/i] The messaged said. Well, yeah. It was a good nap. Just what was that dream-- [i]Look down.[/i] Obediently, Theo looked away from the screen, taking note of the empty seats and discarded trash between the rows surrounding him. On the empty field below stood his brothers – the twins clothed in red– waving their arms with crimson helmets in one hand. How they managed to find him was strange but, then again, he was the only one left in the stands.As soon as they think he saw them, they began to shout incoherent words – the grand emptiness of the infrastructure echoed their cries. He waved back as his phone vibrated once again. [i]Hurry up and get down here! Just what were you dreamin about? We’re going out for pizza![/i] Theo forced out a yawn, a shadow of a smile hinting at his lips. Tired, he stood, chasing after the red backs of his brothers that awaited him below. In the end, he couldn't remember what happened in his dream, just the phantom touch of glass flying in the air and the rush that felt a lot like free falling. As much as he wanted to submerge in this feeling once again, he had reality to deal with right now. Tonight, he shall congratulate the twin with pizza since he never had the chance to wish them luck. [/hider]