Mattia resleeves at Van Gogt's farcaster. They spend the day before the meeting discussing the philosophical implications of forking and resleeving, after which Mattia heads for the meeting with the professor. Mattia enters Professor's Ming office sleeved in his swarmanoid. The swarm is hovering at face height, the bots arranged to look like a stylised floating face. When he talks, the swarm's "mouth" opens and closes completely out ff sync with the actual words transmitted. Mattia will send to all present a basic introduction of himself, assistant researcher at the TAU on robotics and psychosurgery, although a little research will reveal that most of his colleagues regard him as more of a lab rat than an actual researcher. "That's... intriguing... I'm willing to help as far as I can, I do have some questions though." " First, this missing hardware, do we know who and when recovered it form the station in earth orbit? Was it TAU staff or someone else, and how did the hardware make its way to Locus, if it did? Who did the station belong to and who manufactured this hardware? Any specs on the hardware at all? Second, was Yu working alone, or do we have some colleagues of her we can talk to? and what was Yu sleeved in when she disappeared?"