I figure I might as well throw my hat in. I've had this character idea for a little while; see what you think. [b]Name:[/b] Rhone Valint [b]Race:[/b] Human - Sudalian [b]Race Description:[/b] [hider=Sudalians] Rhone hails from the far land of Sudal, once known mostly for it's deserts and silk trades. Sudalians were once proud people, with a prosperous kingdom and technology that rivaled almost every other nation. The desert nation had a steel grip on the silk market. If a woman had a dress of Sudalian silk, then everyone knew she was very well to do. They exported other fabrics as well: their sheep were known for the softest wool, and their leather couldn't be beat. Sudal was dependent, however, on the large river that ran through its country. The river, the Rihs, was their main water source, method of shipment, an energy source, and the lifeblood of the entire nation. So, naturally, when an outside nation wanted to take over, the river was the first target. Sudal got into a spat with a neighboring nation, Quirek. Quirek's efforts to take over the land were easily thwarted until they dumped poisons into the river. Thousands of Sudalians were poisoned, and almost all of them died. With the Sudalian's numbers dwindling, Quirek practically waltzed in and took the nation like candy from a child. The remaining Sudalians were forced to join them, or else be captured and sold into slavery. As Sudal fell, its success fell with it. With the great minds of the nation dead, the Quirekan king drove the nation straight into the ground. [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapons:[/b] Maybe a pointy stick that he picks up? His master doesn't exactly trust him with weapons. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Rhone has been a slave most of his life. His skills consist of the things he was taught and made to do, such as labor, farming, raising animals, and building. He was a field worker. Rhone picked fruit; birthed, raised, and fed livestock; built sheds and shelters around the plantation; and occasionally worked on things inside the house. [b]Appearance:[/b] Rhone is 5'8" with light brown skin, brown eyes, and black, curly hair. Most often than not, his hair is covered by his head wrap. It's usually messy and unkempt under there. On his chest, Rhone bares the crest of his master: A dragon holding a shield. Once sold, the brand would be marked over and he would receive a new one. Rhone is a muscular man, having worked most of his life. His feet are dirty and rough from lacking shoes for many years, and his skin sports scars from occasional beatings. [center][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/086/1/4/__arab_by_fernando_model-d3cl296.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] Rhone's list of personal belongings is depressingly short. All that's his are the clothes that he wears, which isn't much to begin with. With what is essentially a modest loin clothe wrapped around his waist, and a head wrap to keep sweat from dripping in his eyes, Rhone wears very little. He doesn't own any shoes, gloves, shirts, pants, anything. All that's his is what was allowed to him. [b]Backstory:[/b] Rhone was born in Sudal during a time of prosperity. As a child, he never truly appreciated it. When he was 9, the war began and his people slowly lost everything they had. His family was torn apart, his father killed in battle, his mother taken away, and he snatched up by slave traders. A child wasn't a very valuable slave, but he was old enough to do basic work. Rhone traded hands several times before finally ending up on the plantation, around the age of 20. He worked the fields day in and day out, but his master wasn't as bad as some. Rhone would get the occasional whack with a stick if he did something wrong, but it was nothing like taking a whip onto bare flesh as he had done in the past. He slowly grew used to his live there, but never enjoyed it. It wasn't until he met the master's daughter than he became more interested in the farm. She was a beautiful young woman, but far out of his league. When he finally got up the nerve to speak to her, she quickly reported it to her father. Rhone was beaten and quickly sold for his bold misconduct. Currently, Rhone finds himself in the slave market at Estermere. He holds little trust for 'pale skinned' people, such as his former masters.