"Yeah, I've probably pissed off a fair amount of the Nine by now," Aria shrugged as she watched Cronic's back. If ever she wasn't diving into the thick of a fight, she was about to cause damage with fire instead. And those dead archers were a real pain in the neck! A large sphere of flame launched from the palm of her hand, and when it impacted with the three archers, they were thrown to a violent re-death on the Skyrim side of the border station. "I can't imagine why I might have pissed off any Daedra though... Gave 'em a hell of a lot of fresh souls." There was only one Vampire left left now, dual-wielding Imperial swords and circling around out of the two human archers view. Four on one... Those thralls couldn't really be counted as real muscle anyway. Aria and Cronic had made quick work of them. The bloodsucker in a soldier's uniform licked his teeth and stared at the two, making sure not to let the client and the carriage driver catch him off guard with their bows. He was silent for a moment, and then... "...Lord Harkon is going to kill you all, anyway. FIGHT ME!" Carelessly, he charged at Cronic, aiming to dig one sword into his gut. Aria intervened trying to crosscut his throat, but it was defended easily enough with the vampire's free blade. "I have a hundred years experience on you!" he yelled defiantly. With Aria's sword pressed against his, unmoving, the only threat seemed to be Cronic. But that girl's eyes looked almost vampyric, it was actually pretty alarming... Her two-handed grip tightened, the blades sparking every time they inched against each other. With a hateful grimace and a growl from Aria, the vampire's arm [I]fucking snapped![/I] So much for a hundred years experience... Coupled with whatever Cronic's finishing counter-attack would be, there would be one less vampire dotting Tamriel.