[quote=Thought Manifest] I need to overhaul Nikita's background a bit, but I've gotten a little more information up for her. I do have a question about abilities, though. Are there any abilities attributed to lycans aside from increased strength? I'm not looking for things like "telekinesis" or anything because it's a given that Lycans are all about the physical stuff, but what kinds of perks to Lycans overall get? When it's mentioned that Ancients are even stronger, what does that entail, just physical strength and control or something more? [/quote] As far as lycan abilities go, I kind of imagined something similar to Wolverine in the X-Men. In other words, in addition to physical strength, which can and does typically grow as they "level up" from Youth to Ancient, they also have quicker-than-human regenerative healing, superhuman senses (eyesight and their sense of smell especially), agility, stamina, and quick reflexes. Of course, there's also immortality, meaning they can live forever if they are not killed (by any of the means mentioned above under Lycan Information).