Hi, I'd love to be part of this role play, I really like werewolf movies, etc. and would enjoy participating in this! Character Sheet: Name: Zacharie Species: Werewolf Werewolf Age: Youth Real Age: 19 Appearance: Around 5 foot 8, which, if I am correct, is tall for that time period, the equivalent of a six foot person today. Brown hair, which is grown long. Side burns which aren't short, but could by no stretch of the imagination be called long either. Dense arm and leg hair. Scattering of chest hair. Slightly muscular, but not too much muscle. Brown eyes. Has a scar on his left arm, from where the werewolf that transformed him bit him. When he transforms, he has a lighter streak down his back, as a werewolf. Personality: Arrogant, wants to be a leader. Looks up to the Ancients, but sometimes questions Adults. He isn't afraid to bully another Youth, and would be more than happy to beat up an Adolescent if they got on the wrong side of him, which is easy to do. He is quick to get angry, and won't be calmed easily. History: Zacharie was born to two French parents, Claude and Philomène, but he cannot remember their last name. He also had an older brother, Charles (pronounced SHAHRL), who was three years older than him. He was a farm hand on his parents' farm, and his father in particular was quite strict, and occasionally hit Zacharie. This is where he became so aggressive, along with his brother, who would beat him up to show his authority. One night when he was out on the field he got attacked by a werewolf. His father heard, and came out with a gun. Zacharie thought that he was shooting at both of them, so he ran away too. He hasn't been back there. It has been 5 years since he was bitten. He learnt to control his transformations, and is training his strength so that he can finally be considered an adult. If he ever meets another werewolf he doesn't like, or wants to prove his dominance, he will gladly beat them up, just like Charles did to him. He was captured by a family of humans, and has now been put onto their compound "for his own good".