XXX Johnathan was never given a name growing up. First, he was given a number, then a letter. J-1897 was what he was called. This lasted throughout most of his lifetime until he reached the age of thirteen. At thirteen, he was placed into the lowest rank of Helghast foot soldiers. Among his peers, he promised himself to be the cruelest soldier of them all. He's abandoned men to complete missions, he's used civilians as bait, he's manipulated hostile aliens and rebels to his advantage. Never learning what sympathy or individuality was, he was forced to move up the ranks the only way he knew how to. Jonathan, the nickname he gave himself, clicked away in the white house computers. He was only forced to kill ten today. Good, the less work required, the more efficiently he was working. He placed his long syringe needle into the computer. He now had three options, extract all the data into his database while wiping out the original content, placing a virus that would shut down all electricity within the capital, or placing a dormant virus that can be used to the Helghast advantage in the distant future. His superiors told him to do whatever was appropriate according to the data that was found. So, he started working with option one. XXX Scourge took a view of the White House building. The 1000 foot obelisk reached a height that could easily watch over the entire city. It was no wonder why the Martian government used it as a military and police command center. [i]Even my people couldn't create such a device[/i], Scourge found himself admitting, [i]If only things were different[/i]. Looking deeper at the building from the courtyard, he felt his heart drop. It was as though life forces from inside the building were disappearing. A disturbance in the force, as his Jedi colleagues would call it. He knew he had to investigate. Scourge walked into the building using his Jedi security clearance to allow him entry. He walked the halls heading towards where the sense of misery was the strongest. XXX Jonathan finished reading the documents. After copying the final document, he couldn't stop chuckling. "What's so funny?" Scourge said entering the database room. Although he knew he had to kill this man, he at least wanted to know why. "Everything. It's the irony mostly." The Helghast soldier admitted. "I thought I would get weapons research here. Locations of military bases, the progress they've made studying Mass Relays. Instead, I found something a thousand times more valuable." The helghan soldier turned his chair to face Scourge. "Do you believe the truth can be a weapon?" For manipulation, Scourge supposed so. But as a Jedi, he couldn't admit that. "I don't see how," Scourge replied. The soldier throws a computer chip at Scourge. He catches it, "What's this?" Scourge asked. The soldier replied, "The truth. Look at it, then you tell me what you would do with it." Jonathan lifts up his shirt. Underneath his clothes, dozens of energized bombs were sewed into his skin. He presses a button on it, initializing a countdown. XXX Scourge jumps out of the window and takes a fifty feet fall into the ground. The explosion that bursted in the building was large and powerful enough to be heard from miles. Although the building still remained in tack, security forces were swarming inside the building from all directions.