Needless to say, Lily found herself quite surprised when a man fell from the sky and landed squarely in front of her. She quickly regained her composure and regarded him for a moment, before stepping around him and forward, toward the remaining bandits trying to hold their ground against the wolves. If he would not aid in the fight, and he was not an innocent in need of protection, then he would not be addressed until the fight was concluded. With him out of the way, she burst forward. A bandit who had managed to evade the wolves, using a long dagger in a bid to slash through one of them from behind, suddenly found a shadow bearing down on him. Lily swung Drakecleaver in an outward arc, sweeping down until it struck the ground after cutting entirely through the bandit! The separate halves of his body toppled to the ground, staining the ground in blood. Indeed, while the huge sword felt light to one such as Lily, that did not make it cease to be an incredibly heavy piece of weaponry. The sheer weight behind the blade ensured that it would cut entirely through most targets. Even the necks of dragons. The bandits were already wavering. Arrows continued to strike, each shot slaying another of the thugs, and the wolves ripping through their number... and now, the Dragonslayer with two blades effortlessly quartering half a dozen men in moments. Their morale failed them, and they began to turn and flee. The large, gruff man with the thick beard cursed. "The... the bandit king will get you for this!" he shouted, jabbing a finger at them, before fleeing with his men. Lily lowered Drakecleaver. A pursuit into the forest was not impossible, but she did not wish to leave the carriage. The driver peered over the side of his seat, gazing at the carnage. Indeed, many corpses lay strewn across the road. Some of them rather divided. Lily turned her gaze on the driver. "Are you unharmed?" He nodded, weakly, looking somewhat green at the sight of the violence. ---- There was another figure in the field, near Evelyn. It was, by the look of him, a Knight of Maison, his wonderfully-crafted armor covered in ornate designs to signify his high standing in Ahlunda's capital. A helmet hid his face, with a curved metal crest atop it. When he spoke, his voice was deep, and yet had the air of someone who was both refined and experienced in combat. An expertly-crafted sheath on his hip held a longsword of some make, though the blade was hidden within the sheath. "Ah, such a sorry sight..." he said, to himself. "Lives taken by those foul creatures! No man or beast should suffer under such cruelty!" His speech was rather fervent, and given how he seemed to notice Evelyn only after he loudly declared his hatred of what had occurred. "Another warrior? A Dragonslayer, perhaps! Oh-ho! Greetings, I am Alexandrios Carthing, Knight of Maison!" He approached, his booming voice seeming to carry across the entire field. "It is a shame I meet you in the midst of such loathsome carnage, but worry not!" he continued, "I shall ensure the beast that perpetrated this atrocity faces my wrath!" It was not an idle boast or lie. It seemed this man genuinely believed his wrath could topple a dragon.