I have been busy writing up orders today, I'll get some IC up tomorrow regarding the evil Boxer Rebellion and perhaps some other issues too. I do find Boer's false equivalence fallacy interesting, but I shall not comment too much on the internal drama of this forum. I'm here to play the game, enjoy myself and act in a way fitting of my leadership and government. On a different note, I was a bit alarmed that I am sending my orders to Great Britain. Since my orders may or may not include dastardly plans that should not be known by the GM players (Russia and Great Britain), we have agreed that I can send "secret" orders to Mathrim (Bulgaria) when necessary. That should dispell my worries without burdening Mathrim too much. Imagine how awkward it would be to have a naval war between Germany and Great Britain where MagnificentOne could potentially accidentally read my war orders before sending his own.