[quote=KabenSaal] So, finished my Mercenary app..... [/quote] I'll be reviewing/accepting your sheet tonight, and including you in the update most likely. Last thing before I head to class, I wish to rescind an earlier decision I'd made in regards to discipline: so long as a levy is raised, and they aren't patrolling, or doing some other action, they will be considered to be training inefficiently. If they are just chilling in a fief where there is a training ground, then they will receive the full benefits of training and its discipline bonus. This is something I think is more fair to the people who have a standing army, as a standing army that has never seen combat is still likely more disciplined than a rabble of peasants who never fought another man, let alone got organized for a battle. EDIT: As for announcing succesion types, it sounds like a good idea actually. Would everyone mind do that now, please? Or at least naming your intended heir.