I'm certainly not going with 10 for this - I'll probably just stick to 2 main characters. I don't think I'm too bad at differentiating between NPCs and MCs (almost said PCs... That's more of a tabletop term I think). Certainly sounds great though... And it's awesome if you're willing to keep it active until then! I'm certainly not planning on dropping out unless life gets in the way. Shouldn't happen I definitely agree with the frequent posting - and it doesn't necessarily take away from quality by making posts shorter. I also think its easier for getting actual interactions between characters. Medium sized posts work best for me... Anything too long becomes too much like writing a story by myself, and I do that plenty as it is. That's an interest way of writing roleplay posts actually... I tend to dream about roleplayed and formulate replies in my head. Writer's block tends to only happen when I'm writing stories rather than roleplaying But yeah I agree with medium sized more frequent posts