Funny you mentioned that Fern! There were incidents last year where I spent 1 or 2 + days crafting and editting posts in other story roleplays. I've also dreamed about my own characters and the worlds I've written/crafted. Medium posts, from my experience, tend to be the sweet spot and ... I've been struggling with condensing my own material into something manageable. It's been something that's an ongoing learning process and I think that there's always room for improvement! Over the years, I've learned that less can be more and outlines certainly do help for moving past Writer's Indecision. It would be my pleasure to deliver as cinematic and believable of a story experience to all interested writers and however long we keep this story going, let's all grow as writers, yeah? [b]Edit:[/b] If any of you have writer friends willing to join, don't hesitate to invite them to join in! As the saying goes: the more the merrier. I will, in the mean time, look into inviting other writers and drafting a map of Carcassonne, but ... no promises on anything!