Well, I have my old OOC OP info and I'm working to get it all up and visible for everyone to refer to. Give me time: he's the link to the site I have it on so far, let me know if its working. I can remember who had which dragon I think, I just need the CS's back :| I'm still digging though, trying to find as much info from before. NEWCOMERS: you're more than welcome to join, however, previous members will have first dibs on their dragons. http://soulroleplays.webs.com is where the info can be found. Look under "The Escape" then "Return of the dragon tamers." Bear with me everyone lol.[quote=Kangutso] I think at this point it would be better to start over, since we have no record of what was previously done.EDIT: And I don't have that good of a memory. [/quote] Fair enough, if everyone wants to restart we can. [quote=Damo021] How are we meant to look or re check information if it not on here? >