[b]10 minutes after the group left the camp[/b] The warm, dry earth cracked and crunched beneath the creature’s feet as he looked about the abandoned campsite. The fire still crackled, and the thin trail of smoke leading up from it had been what lead Strikedramon to the clearing. The Dragon Man had come here in search of a group of humans; and a specific, yet unknown one amongst them. He just knew one of the Tamers those bastards were collecting was his; and he just knew one of them had made it out of the tower somehow. He didn’t know how, but he just knew. He’d already been planning to attack the tower, but this newest development had waylaid him; he’d always had a place in his heart for the stories of past Tamers, and something like that Tower would need more than him to infiltrate, anyway. In any case, it seemed he didn’t have anything to worry about; if- no, BECAUSE he was right in his gut feelings, his Tamer and the others with them must have moved down the trail leading down from the clearing, likely towards the nearby village. The way forward was clear; he’d go to the village and meet his Tamer. “Hold it right there!” Too bad he wasn’t the only one with that idea. “Alright, stand down, no funny business.” The Commandramon yelled at him as he burst into the clearing along with his squad; a small horde of other Commandramon and four weird waddling machines that he could vaguely make out to be Mekanorimon. Strikedramon tensed, going still as his eyes traced over the group. He thought for a few moments. And then he spoke. “You might want to turn back whilst you can. Only one of all of us is going to be walking away.” In response, the Commandramon just snorted and rolled his eyes. “You honestly think you’re scaring us with that crap? Come on, do you have any idea how stupid you sound saying that?” “Last chance.” Strikedramon said, still stock still as the Commandramon threw his words back in his face, “Like I said, only one of us is leaving this place alive.” “And like I said, don’t be an idiot and just surrender before one of our Mekanorimon just puts you down. Look how many of us there are compared to you. Do you really think y-” Commandramon didn’t quite get to finish his sentence. Mostly because of the hole that suddenly tore straight through his helmet and back out through his head. And as the squadron erupted into action and began to open fire on him, Strikedramon pulled his blazing-hot talon out from his dead foe’s head and ducked deep down as he leapt into the thick of the group.