Having retrieved her belongings from under her bed and following the group towards the Digimon Village, Annabeth found herself amazed at all the little tanemon moving around. Previously, she could definitely have dismissed her situation as some sort of elaborate prank, but there was no faking this. Reaching down, she knelt down and pet one of the Tanemon, who snuggled against her hand. Annabeth stared at the digimon with a mixture of wonder and fascination, and the two remained like that for a few moments. However, before she knew it there was another digimon snuggling against her legs. Turning, she saw what appeared to be some sort of puppy with flap years and a ring around its neck. The puppy stared happily right at Annabeth, and she in turn knelt down to get a little closer to it. "You came! You really came!" The puppy cried out in joy. "My very own tamer!" Annabeth was silent for a moment then took out her digivice. "...Salamon?" Annabeth finally asked, looking at the name displayed by the digivice. "That's me!" Salamon said happily. "What's your name?" "I'm Annabeth." she said, still a bit fazed at all of the things happening. "So you're my 'partner digimon'?" "Of course!" Salamon nodded. "Annabeth, would you pet me like you did for that Tanemon? That looked really comfortable!" Answering her digimon's request, Annabeth slowly pat her head on Salamon's head before petting the digimon, causing it to close its eyes and wag her tail happily. Seeing this, Annabeth also formed a small smile of her own. Maybe things weren't really all that bad after all.