[u]Kay[/u] After Ay’mara blasted the door with her staff weapon, the F-302 shortly came screaming down like hellish banshee. Its loud noise nearly drowned out everything while it came into view, its attention turned towards the sniper’s location and rain down fire. Most the windows shattered by the sniper, any remaining soon became hollowed gaps and broken in the destruction. Concrete was peppered with holes, sending much of its force into the building itself. Any living being would be nothing more than Swiss cheese. The scene didn’t last long. Shortly a Deathglider arrived and gained the F-302’s attention, the pair engaged into a dogfight which lite up the skies in activity. Kay felt her being filled with anxiety, tension and even a bit of adrenaline filled high coursing through her veins. For most, the latter would often cause sloppy mistakes and ill choices, but for her it only made her restless. Her body itched to move already yet she managed to hold her position by forcing her legs to stop bouncing. The soothing breaths were only a temporary fix until she could move, their effect weakened with each passing moment she made herself wait. When it felt like forever, Miller popped out his smoke. First went Morenu, followed by the Jaffa woman, make their way around the plaza. Fortunately they made it towards the door, not a single sniper shot was taken and Miller motioned her to head out. She didn’t wait or waste time. Ducked low and gun held to her side, Kay moved out rapidly. Her boots bobbed her body up and down, raced across the similar path as Morenu and Ay’mara, leaving her breath only slightly winded when she reached them. No rest for the wick it seemed, any chance to catch her breath was brief when the bullet started to fly again. Her head whipped back around the door frame, barely missed one whiz by and bury itself deeply into wooden material. Kay noted how close she had come to having it planted within her skull moments ago. Better split wood then busted skull pieces; she couldn’t help but thank God for his luck. Miller seemed to be tired of the offensive defense the Alliance had created because he raised his hand to his vest, pulled off a grenade, and pulled pin for a full five count. A single shout was all he did for a warning, and then he sent it flying over the gunfire. Instinctively, Kay pulled herself as small as possible. Her eyes braced in closed lids and ears were filled with the explosive sound, echoed by men’s screams in pain. A sign Miller’s attack had a few causalities caught in the cross fire. The small victory sensation of victory was gone when Miller mentioned about the Alliance dialing the ninth chevron which made Kay curse, her mind felt a headache coming on. Then she noted Ay’mara move quickly as she whipped out and followed behind best she could, her gun ready. She watched the Jaffa effectively kill those downed soldiers while Kay took careful shots, her gun jarred in her arms. Each one was left unable to continue the fight, their guns slide back and out of their reach in case someone got the great idea to shot her ally in the back. Ay’mara motioned for them to come as Kay agreed. “Alright, we’re coming; we’ve got a few minutes at least. First we need to sabotage the generator then the gate won’t have enough power to activate. However I can’t expect this will be easy but it’s our best and likely only option.” Kay said, she checked her gun again and readied herself against the wall.