Well, here's one I sent to Swift and Nallore during the old RP. [hider=Operation: HUMMINGBIRD] [i]Access to this document requires UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence Section-III level 4 clearance or above. If you do not possess such clearance and are viewing this material, you are currently committing crimes against the UNSC and by association, the Unified Earth Government. Punishment for these crimes will result in prosecution in a Military Court of Law which could end in Dishonourable Discharge, Lifetime Imprisonment and/or, in extreme cases, Execution.[/i] [b]Conflict:[/b] Insurrection [b]Date:[/b] 2545-2548 [b]Outcome:[/b] Mission Objective Accomplished. Results are Ongoing. [i](See: [b]Operation: WOODPECKER[/b] for further details)[/i] [u][b]Overview[/b][/u] [b]Operation: HUMMINGBIRD[/b] was one of many Sub-Operations authorized by the Office of Naval Intelligence Section-III, under the umbrella of [b]Operation: TREBUCHET[/b], that were performed outside of the Epsilon Eridani and Eridanus systems. These so-called 'Black Operations', which took place during 2525-2550, were never meant to exist on record outside of Section-III's databases. Reasons being because the focus was supposed to be seen as fighting the Covenant and [b]Operation: TREBUCHET[/b] had been 'officially' deactivated. As such, much of the data of these other 'Black Operations' has now been expunged. This report has not been altered, however, due to the continued events caused by this Operation. [i](See: [b]Operation: WOODPECKER[/b] for further details)[/i] The objective of [b]Operation: HUMMINGBIRD[/b] was to infiltrate the Insurrectionist faction known as the United Rebel Front on the planet Victoria, by way of a double agent, to remain informed on the current movements of Insurrectionist Forces amongst all UNSC controlled systems. The target of this Operation was Insurrectionist Jonathan Anders; A known high-level Commander and well-respected Militant of Camp New Hope. After the capture and compromisation of the target, they were kept accountable and cooperative via blackmailing methods. A specially drafted team was selected to perform this Operation. The 37th Tactical Deep Ground Surveillance Unit; An ODST Task Force, separate from UNSC Marine Corps control and answering directly to Section-III, was composed especially for the aforementioned 'Black Operations'. Five members of this Unit were chosen to complete the Mission Objective. The sixth and final member, Specialist Jason Anders [i](Now promoted to Corporal)[/i], who was, at the time serving in the 53rd Armoured Division on Actium, was ordered to be redeployed within the UNSC Marine Corps and immediately assigned to the 37th Tactical Unit. Specialist Anders' inclusion for this Operation was seen as a failsafe in the event of non-compliance from the target. [i]Gunnery Sergeant Matthew D. Brown, who lead the team, was ordered that, in the event of non-compliance, he and the remainder of the team were to torture and threaten the life of Specialist Anders, after revealing his identity, to assure the target's cooperation.*[/i] [i]*This section is due for Expungement upon deactivation of [b]Operation: HUMMINGBIRD[/b].[/i] [u][b]Timeline of Events[/b][/u] [b]February 17th 2545:[/b] [b]Operation: HUMMINGBIRD[/b] was sanctioned by Admiral Margaret Parangosky, Director of the UNSC's Office of Naval Intelligence. [b]February 28th 2545:[/b] Gunnery Sergeant Matthew D. Brown hand-picks the team from candidates of the 37th Tactical Unit. [b]March 14th 2545:[/b] The five-man team board the stealth corvette [i]UNSC Dark Favour[/i] and begins travelling to the Eridanus system.. [b]May 5th 2545:[/b] The [i]UNSC Dark Favour[/i] stations just outside of the Eridanus system and awaits further orders. [b]May 27th 2545:[/b] Specialist Jason Anders is redeployed to the UNSC Marine Corps and assigned to the 37th Tactical Unit. [b]June 13th 2545:[/b] Specialist Jason Anders rendezvous with Gunnery Sergeant Matthew D. Brown and the rest of the team onboard [i]UNSC Dark Favour[/i]. [b]June 17th 2545:[/b] The team boards the DCS Freighter [i]UNSC An Apple a Day[/i] (AAD-000679842) which is headed to Victoria. [b]January 5th 2546:[/b] [i]UNSC An Apple a Day[/i] arrives on Victoria. [b]January 6th 2546:[/b] The team begins Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol to acquire target's location and ascertain most suitable opportunity for abduction. [b]April 12th 2548:[/b] Team executes ambush of an Insurrectionist Patrol Convoy which target is confirmed to be moving with. Target is captured and offered opportunity to comply. Target accepts offer immediately after Specialist Jason Anders reveals his identity and tortures target, preventing the need for Gunnery Sergeant Brown's secondary orders. [b]April 13th 2548:[/b] Mission Accomplished. The team is shipped off world after setting up a secure communications relay for the target to send information via. [/hider] I can write up a template if you'd like, which would allow others to write their own official documenty-type documents :P