hey guys, my name is Leoric, ask me anything you want to know, i'm an open book. I came from gaia online forum rp, but that was close to five or six years ago. since then i have been dancing around several rp forums set up by close friends. I used to be great and used to have aspirations of being a writer, but have since given up on that dream since having my beautiful baby boy. I enjoy several types of rp but my focus used to be on combat and fantasy. my strengths do lie in my ability to take my combat rp to a different level from simple hack and slash, I like to tie in emotions and mind games into my combat style. I like to utilize human feeling when writing, having the ability to make an opponent feel something more than just *i swing my sword* [so crudely put]. I enjoy all aspects of combat rp and I also enjoy a nice calm rp as well. message me if you want to know more or just chat.