[quote=Kalas] That's cool, I can roll with that. You could go for a WvW type storyline? [/quote] That sounds like a good idea. Lol, I like the way you think :D [quote=KiltmanBagz] I am be mildly interested in a GW2 game :D [/quote] Well let's hope we can get you from "mildly interested" to "extremely interested." The more players we get for this, the more fun it will be. In general, even though I am technically the GM for this, I hate rules and like everyone to post their most creative or interesting additions. Good grammar is preferred, but it doesn't have to be stellar. As long as I (and the other players) can understand what you mean, that's good enough. Post length doesn't really matter. I myself can post anywhere from one sentence to four or five long paragraphs. So don't worry about that. I prefer to keep the content clean (i.e. minimal sex and dirty language), However, that does not include profanity. I don't care about profanity. I will likely drop a few swear words myself. I also like it when people stray from mainstream or cliche ideas. Do something crazy. Basically, even though my name is on the RP, it's not mine alone. It's just as much yours as it is mine. Be creative! That's my only major rule.