Well, the map is almost finished. When that's done I might wait for another CS or two and then we'll start. It's worth mentioning that I'll still be accepting new characters after the rp has started. For a while, anyway. THe reason the map is taking so long is planning out all the features of the region. EDIT: Done. Behold the map in all its grade-school-quality glory! [img=http://i.imgur.com/wkB1LaP.png] Blue dots are cities, red dots are landmarks that aren't big enough to mark on the map, dark green is swamp, the green spotted area is a forest, the blackened area next to it is a burnt forest. white is snow, brown is desert, and that mishmash of everything ever is called "The Scars." Nothing natural about the scars, it's theorized that they were created in a battle between legendary pokemon. If anyone is up for making a slightly less awful map, go right ahead. Your characters will start out at the red dot marked "K." That's where your ships will dock.