[b]“Sven!”[/b] Sven would have been embarrassed to admit that, upon hearing his own name, the boy nearly smashed head first into the shingles of the roof he had been about to land on. But, saving himself some partial humiliation, he instead managed to skid to a shingle-displacing stop, digging his heels into the roof as he landed. “Jemma…” He murmured, noticing the red blotch that stained her pant leg and feeling just a small bit of shame for being relatively unscathed. Sven was the one that usually jumped into [i]everything[/i]. He had a bad case of “me first”. Yet, since the fighting had started, he had run away from a total of three Titans. Close calls, but no cigars. Sven glanced behind the girl to see a thick cloud of smoke curling up into the air. Surely, being one of the top ten, she had done that…But what about her comrades? Had she even been put in a splinter group? One of Sven’s small splinter group had already been eaten, and another, Fabian, had disappeared. Sven hadn’t had time to go back and look for him; he had been too busy hiding. And then there was his sister, who had flown off ahead of the group. What a prick… “You’re hurt—“ Before he could finish his sentence Xavier landed on the roof not too far away. He too, appeared damaged, and Sven’s shame only increased tenfold. Being a part of the top ten had given him certain expectation and titles. Hiding and running away was not one of them. [b]“It’s not looking good up ahead. This one’s the first one I’ve seen killed. Nice job, by the way Jemma.”[/b] A pout donned Sven’s face as Xavier beat him to the compliment first. [b]“The last I heard we were supposed to be pushing the Titans towards the outer wall. And by push, they mean bait, I do believe. Safety in numbers. We should stay together if at all possible. WE have better chances, especially if can link up with others from the 108th. We’re all used to work together.”[/b] In a matter of minutes of Xavier's arrival, Aurora landed on the rooftop, out of breath and panic stricken by the looks of it. Aurora was no top tenner; however in Sven’s personal opinion, she hadn’t been horribly ranked either. Sixty-eight out of three hundred or so students was a pretty good ranking. [b]"Axel and Carla were lost when we tried to tackle a seven-meter...I uhm... let it get away... sorry, guys..."[/b] Sven felt his heart drop to his gut upon hearing that. Another two bite the dust. Being himself, or trying to be, Sven raised a hand to the girl, but, on second thought, dropped. It made no sense comforting her now when there seemed to be so much more death and confusion awaiting them in their future. Who was to say they would all make it out alive anyway, this small group that had formed. Before Sven could begin explaining the plan, or at least confirming that what Xavier had said was true, Dash landed with a thud on his knee behind the group. [b]“We have to do what we can, and we need to do it soon.”[/b] "Right." Sven nodded, "I've been instructed to assemble a group and lead all to our deaths. Basically, we'll be doing exactly what Xavier pointed out. We're going to be bait...The way I see it, we should head to in a tight conformation, or at least in pairs, rather than spreading out. If one of us gets split from the group there's no saying that someone else can back them up, especially if we're spread far a part..." Sven looked at every group member, eyebrows knitting together with concern. Everyone else had already sustained some sort of damage. Everyone but himself. Sven decided that he could add [i]that[/i] to his set of skills. --- Erika wiped the splattered blood from the side of her mouth, spitting out on the melting heap of skin she had just toppled. It twitched pathetically, and she watched with gross fascination as the hand she had sliced off quickly began to repair itself. In moments, the large mouthed 5 meter titan was back on its clumsy feet looking like a toddler taking its first steps. It toppled sideways before righting its position and focusing back on Erika. The blonde girl stood aloof and alone and expected no one else to come to her rescue. She didn't care about them anyway. Well, maybe her brother... In her mind, she would die fighting, or live to reach the lap of luxury. She would be the best King's watchdog possible and maintain the position for the rest of her life. Erika glance up as a shadow covered her. The titan's hand, coming down at an alarming rate on her...well her entire body. "Shit." Aiming for the adjacent roof, Erika zipped across to behind the blubbering titan. Slowly, it followed her, mouth wide open as it tried to snap her out of he air. It's eyes were eerie, huge, disgusting. Watery and squishy looking, and it made Erika glad that eyes were never that big in real life. Thinking quickly, she began dancing circles around the monstrosity, while it spun around with her, desperately reaching for her, but never bothering with the cords of her 3DMG. Finally, when she had entangled it's sorry face as best as she could, she went in for the kill. It was quick, brief. The creature was too stupid to react in time. In a matter of seconds, it's body was melting to reveal an abnormally large skeleton and letting out smoke so sulfurous and noxious that Erika was quick to run away. She looked down at herself. She would have loved to brag about being unharmed, but there was a large slice running down her thigh, earned when she had dodged a clever swipe by one of those bumbling oafs. And her back felt like several disks had moved out of place. As she continued swinging from roof to roof, she came across a group, including Sven, discussing their obvious tactic. Several of the members already looked like wreck, minus her brother, who just had small bruises for proof of anything. Rolling her eyes, she landed on the roof. "If you all want to be bait, then we should head out [i]now[/i]. Stop wasting time. Do you [i]want[i] the titans to get further in?" Scowling, she took off, expecting to hear the wurr of their 3DMG following her.