Ravenia smiled at Tobias's gentle touch as he wrapped her up. She almost jumped though when Clo came crashing in. As the winged-girl crouched by Ravenia's side, she smiled at the worry on her face. "Clo, I'm so glad you're awake. I was just getting ready to come check on you." Ravenia said as she smiled at the younger girl warmly, cupping the girl's cheek. "My, you've only been out for a few hours, but not to worry, everything is okay. We took care of the Dead. It got a little hot out there, and I got a little burned. Don't listen to Tobias, he did a fantastic job. My wounds were nobody else's fault but my own." Ravenia said, smiling affectionately up at Tobias. When he released her hand, Ravenia wished he would come back and hold it again. It was when he said something about the children that she became serious. Now was not the time to be acting like a love-struck teenaged girl. But he definitely did something to her. She hadn't felt like this in some time. As he left, Ravenia couldn't help but watch after them. "Clo, I think I'm falling in love with that man." Mother whispered gently to the girl, and winked. Standing up and stretching her sore body, Ravenia nodded to Clo. "Come along, my little bird. Let's go make the rounds, hmm? Also, let's get some food. I'm famished." Mother walked towards the door and leaned against momentarily as she looked about the room. She thought about the pre-date medication that Tobias talked about that was missing. She looked to the room the children were in and walked across the hall to it. Pulling the blinds down gently on the door, Ravenia peered in at the kids. They were just sitting there, minding their own business. Ravenia stopped the nurse that walked by, taking her keys and locked the door. "Nobody is to go in or out of this room under any circumstances. Only myself or Tobias are allowed in. The key will stay with you, but if I find anybody else has gone in here, I'll know who to come after. Got it?" Ravenia said, quirking an eyebrow at the much shorter woman. "Yes, Mother." The nurse squeaked and bustled off. Ravenia wasn't much of fan of playing the hard ass, but sometimes it was needed. She looked back to Clo and winked. Just as she was about to say something, two men can rushing around the corner. Two of her warriors. "Mother! A yellow flare just flew up, a bit of a ways down the river. There's only one problem, we don't have a search party out today. Not since you put us on lock down. It's getting too dark, if we don't get out someone now we won't be able to track the flare." The man rushed. Mother nodded. "Go get Tank, tell him to grab one other and head out after the flare. I want Two Blessed Ones, and you to go out in a solar car and inspect the flare. I want you strapped to the teeth in weapons though. There's something going on and I can't afford to lose anybody. But you, I want you to stay here and guard this door. The little nurse by the name of Ima has the key. Only Tobias and myself are allowed in and out of this room. Do I make myself clear?" Ravenia barked, the two men nodded. The first Warrior, took off to go find one of Paradise Land's fiercest warriors. Tank was just that, a Tank, but he was a new uncle and Ravenia had given him a leave to celebrate the glorious time. She hate to cut it short, but she needed some muscle out there. The second man, immediately stood at the ready. "C'mon, babe. I need you to meet the Russian with me. After that we'll get us some food and I need to make my rounds. When I do that, I'd like for you to go get some more rest." Ravenia said, nodding down towards the hallway to where one of the newest (however, unwelcome he was) members of their Lands.