[hider= Jake Wilson] Name: Jake Wilson Gender: Male Age:23 Super Powers (if any):Ferrokinesis With his powers being over metal, Jake is able to move and mold metal as he desires. Within a five foot radius around his, he is able to sense any metal and their placement even if he is blindfolded. However, he is not able to change the characteristics of metal. For example, he is unable to make iron as pliable as gold. Background: Growing up, Jake lived with an average middle class family with both his parents and a younger brother by two years in Newtown. Nothing about the family’s mundane life would make anyone suspect them of having an out of the ordinary life or a life wrapped anything that was Supers related. However, unbeknown to even his parents Jake was one of the select that was affected by the Rift fifteen years prior. Confused and uncertain of what was happening to his, the eight year old Jake kept his powers hidden and only practiced his powers in the confines of his room. This tactic worked out well for Jake as he watched the rise of Bisk and his campaign against Supers, which towards the wayward Supers seemed to be a good idea. However, as neighbors and people from the school that were Supers started to disappear throughout the years, Jake knew that something was off. Knowing that being a Super in Newtown was dangerous, Jake kept his usage of power at a minimum, not wanting to risk anything. Weeks or even sometimes months would go by with Jake acting powerless and luckily no one caught on when his powers slipped. However that all changed when the Watcher notified him during his senior year of high school and claimed that it knew that he was a Super and wanted his help. It would be a simple mission in stopping a small group of preachers that belonged to the cult before they preached in Borderline Park. However, Jake blatantly declined the offer since he didn’t want to break the façade he created for himself. Unbeknown to him at that time, his younger brother went to Borderline Park and heard the message that was being taught. Even at a young age, Seth dreamed of becoming a Super and hearing that he would be able strong with the help of the Patriarch, Seth went to the Sky Labs in hopes that he would be chosen, which turned out great for him when he was chosen on the first week he came. However, he didn’t make it home that night, nor another night since then. Even though Jake hasn’t spoken to the Watcher since he declined joining, he knew he was the link that could have stopped Seth. It’s been five years since his disappearance and he still blames himself for his disappearance. Personality: Even though Jake can be a chatty person and someone that easily speaks his mind, he has learned to keep private information about him private. Even though he is someone that care for his team and can be nice towards others, he has a sarcastic edge to him. His distaste towards the Watcher is obvious, especially during the beginning as he reluctantly working with the Watcher to find out more about what happened to his younger brother. Description/Image: [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iR9D-iQwDRI/UKQ-fqvKLXI/AAAAAAAAWhU/Igz13M9UMKU/s1600/JACK-REYNOR_TRANSFORMERS-4_ACTORS_.jpg[/img] [/hider]