As the party entered the city, it was only a matter of minutes before the group dwindled down to just Rudolf, Aaerynn and the twins. They continued forward to the Bronze Lantern inn on their own, and were surprised to see how large it was. There was a stable out back which provided room for all the animals, even Aaerynn’s wolf that sauntered in behind Baineth. The twins and Aaerynn ended up waiting in the lobby as Rudolf set up rooms for the party and their keys. Setna found himself unable to stand still. He would pause for a moment before stepping this way or that and in all honesty it was because of holding his sister for so long. His back, arm and leg muscles were all burning to the point of agony. Carrying her for the rest of the trip here had proven to be quite a feat for the teenage boy who hadn’t slept at all the night before. All of the stress and exhaustion hit him at once and Setna was trying his damnedest to stay standing and to not drop her. Finally receiving the key was like a god send, and the teenager bolted up the stairs to their room. However, getting the unconscious girl off of his back, safely, was becoming a bit of a struggle. Setna hadn’t even heard the wood elf come in until he felt a pair of arms gently remove his sister from his back. Setna watched with surprise as Aaerynn helped to set her down on to the bed rather softly, and she even tucked the blankets over the teenage girl’s body. The boy rolled his shoulders, his muscles finally gaining some relief as his butt fell straight into the chair beside the bed. Setna ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the elf with a tired smile. “Thanks.” Aaerynn vaguely nodded and turned to the door. She paused though, before heading out and looked back at the teenager. “You should sleep. I don’t think she’d want to see you like that when she wakes up.” Setna looked up in surprise but before he could say anything the elf was gone. The boy closed his mouth and looked over at his sister. She looked better; a natural flush was coming back to her cheeks. The boy stood and opened a window, allowing a breeze to flow through. He sat down again and pulled his chair up closer to the bed. He couldn’t sleep yet. He couldn’t sleep until she woke up. He couldn’t do that to her. He had to be there for her. Setna reached out and gently held his sister’s hand and as the breeze came in, he found his eyes slowly closing. He could just rest his eyes for a bit. Yeah, just rest them, that’s all. The teenager leaned his head down against the blanket, and before he knew it he fell asleep. ------ Aaerynn entered her own room, dropping her bag onto the bed. She sighed as she rubbed her scar, it was starting to become a habit. It was her first scar in her entire life, and the slightly raised and bumpy skin gave her a distraction from her thoughts. She didn’t want to be here. Thankfully, in the approximately 125 years of completely avoiding this place, it had changed almost entirely. The dirt roads she had known were now paved with cobblestones and walk ways. The old farm houses that used to be scattered across the hills were indistinguishable or perhaps completely gone as shops, inns, bars and restaurants took over. Even the little wooden church was replaced by a giant marble and stone cathedral that practically shone with its holy whiteness. It was easy for her to shut down the reemerging past because she could just pretend that this place wasn’t Cromerth. It wasn’t where she met him. It wasn’t where he died. It wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t. Aaerynn sat down and sighed, closing her eyes for just a moment. She had radically decided to change, to face things, and now this. It’s like her brother was taunting her. He caught her with just a bit of bait and then threw her back into the ocean. This was stupid. She was stupid. Everything was stupid. The wood elf rubbed her temple as she tried to silence her rapid thoughts. She needed a distraction, so she stood up and began unpacking everything that was in her bag. Out came test tubes, vials, and jars all wrapped tightly in elven cloth meant to protect the glass from shattering. She had a few glass jars of herbs submerged in oil, and a book filled with dried flowers. Next were a few leather pouches filled with ground up powders of all kinds. Finally there were a few jars of salves and a large jar of her own creation of clay paste that helped close up wounds. The elf began taking mental inventory and sighed by the end of it. She needed to pick up a few things, and should probably get back-ups depending on how long it would take to make it through the desert to the port town of Rogeth. The thought of going into town made her stomach churn and the grief pulse within her chest. It gripped her heart and she could hear the faint whispers of her past begging to reemerge her into memories she was sick of seeing. But she had decided to face things. No more running. No more. The wood elf grabbed a bag of her saved up money, and left the inn, heading straight for the market. ----- It only took her a half an hour or so to find everything that she needed. Her nose picked up the herbs and oils she needed rather quickly, and the same went for the flowers she required. As she carried around a bag of herbs and flowers, she found herself exploring the city. She couldn’t help herself as she explored every nook and cranny. Because she could still smell him. This place was a part of him. The earthly undertones of Cromerth were still there. Even though it was built up, even though cobblestones paved over the dirt, it still smelled distinctively of that same scent that had been embedded in his skin. It made her chest rot. A hole was building and building inside of her heart, eating her insides. The scar on her shoulder pulsed as if it were merely a plug waiting to burst. She placed a hand over it for comfort and to make sure her skin hadn’t burst open. She leaned her back against the wall of a shop as she tried to breathe. She had radically decided to change, to face things, and now this. She couldn’t handle this. She wasn’t meant to. Well, maybe changing didn’t have to happen all at once. There was one thing that would help her forget what was happening to her. Where cities grew and prospered, sin grew as well. Even in a city with a giant church, greed, lust, gluttony, and envy spread beneath its underbelly like a festering wound. It didn’t take her too long to find the perfect place. It was nestled down a few dark alleys, and few paces down a red light. She could hear the boisterous laughs of drunks, the shuffling of cards and the squealing of women, even in the broad daylight. Aaerynn’s light blue eyes looked up at the name. “Luck’s Sanctum…huh.” Even in the middle of the day the place was packed with noise. The elf took a few steps up the stairs to the entrance, but that’s when a large man blocked her view. “Women ain’t allowed without a man.” The wood elf scowled up at the large man. “I just wanted to look.” “Git.” The man shooed her away like a child. “Ain’t no place fer a girl like you. Come back wit’ a man, then I let you in.” Aaerynn grimaced, an escort system huh? She gave the man a dirty look before heading back where she came from. It was a minor setback, but it certainly wouldn’t stop her. The bar was perfect, and she wouldn’t be satisfied with anything else. Now she just needed a few more props. She returned to the market with a new found sense of purpose. She bought more herbs, oils and a bar of beeswax. Next came the dress shop, which she exited with a few extra packages under her arms. Now she just needed to set up shop. Aaerynn returned to the inn, carrying bags full of all sorts of ingredients. She practically pranced up to her room where she unloaded everything onto a desk. Then she grabbed a wrapped parcel, and this time left her room and headed down the hall to the twin’s bedroom. She knocked once, but there was no reply. The wood elf frowned before trying the doorknob, and she was surprised to see it open. She peeked inside only to find both twins fast asleep, Setna knocked out in his chair. Quietly, Aaerynn set the parcel down at the end of the bed before exiting and closing the door gently behind her. Now she had work to do. ------ After a few hours of distilling herbal oils, mixing ingredients, and creating new salves, Aaerynn sat down at the lobby of the inn and thought over her options. Everything was all set. She had all of her ingredients, and all of her vials. The setting itself was perfect too… drunk men already throwing money at childish games, alcohol, and women, would over pay for elven medicine that would cure all ailments and save their mortal lives. The problem was getting in. The wood elf leaned her chin on her hand as she thought over her candidates. Elrithos and Tirian were out, not only did they not seem like the type to partake in such an excursion but they were also in that tournament thing. Setna looked far too young, and she doubted the practically blind Caelis, a mentor of a small girl, would be up for the task. Rudolf would probably do it, but the thought of bringing along the old dwarf, who would probably just get drunk and overly perverted by the end of the night, left a bad taste in her mouth. Then of course there was… The wood elf’s head perked up as she heard the door to the inn swing open and the man of her thoughts appeared. Aaerynn got to her feet, but found her tongue tie as she watched the mercenary begin to head up the stairs. It was now or never. The wood elf followed him until she finally found her voice. “Hey.” She got his attention and continued. “Do you mind if we talk? I have…I have a favor to ask you.” Aaerynn found herself stiffening up a bit. She was used to doing as she pleased, saying what she wanted and going about her business alone. Suddenly having to ask another soul for a favor was alien to her and her fingers twitched with a nervousness she hadn’t felt in over 100 years. Don't run, face it the thought kept repeating in her head. -- Having gotten everything he needed, from ingredients to having seen some amazing fights, he did not need anything else but an actual bed and out of his equipment. It was a long couple of days and it would be much appreciated to lay on something soft. He had just gotten back to the Inn where they would be resting, grabbed the key to the place and was about to walk off, waving at those who were present in the Inn. He walked up the stairs, checking which one of those was going to be his room… then heard someone behind him. Aaerynn? He looked at her bizarrely, even more when she said she wanted to talk. About what? A favor? It was almost unreal for a person like her to ask anything of anyone. And there was no bitterness behind it, although there was hesitation. He raised an eyebrow as his shoulders rose a little. [b]‘‘Sure? Let me just find my room first.’’[/b] He did so quickly enough, only being one door off. He went inside and immediately dropped off his bag and his sword. He seemed relieved for a moment as he turned back to her. [b]‘’What do you need from me? You seem quite nervous to ask…’’[/b] It was a question worth quite a lot right now. What in the abyss could she want from him? Answers probably, for everything he’s done.-- Aaerynn paused, feeling that awkwardness that had become more and more apparent as she tried talking more. "It's uh..." She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. It was better to just get everything out. "I'm looking to get into a specific place in town. It's a bar that also caters to gambling and I'm quite sure the upstairs is a bordello. Women aren't allowed in, unless they have an escort. I'm asking if you would be willing to escort me in. I'm going to be selling medicines, and I'm willing to split my profits with you. Plus you invent things right? You have for it." She paused and shook her head. That was probably too much. She tightened her grip on her own arms as she continued talking. "But drunks are always willing to throw money at whatever entertains them. You could perhaps pick up some investors, or you can do whatever you please. I just need someone to take me, and depending on the situation, to escort me out. I'm willing to pay you for it as well, if it interests you. Either way I owe you for healing my shoulder so..." She finally turned quiet, her light eyes searching his face for his answer. -- She was having a hard time asking for that favor and really, it almost amused Vordan to see her go. He had finally let a small smile install as she went on about this gambling place in town that she wanted to go to. It probably had some wealthy men in there ready to throw away coins for the pleasure of doing so. Women were not allowed in, which wasn't that much of a surprise in these regions... But why him of all people? He took the time to think of the people they were with and it was clear that he would be the more obvious choice. His humor changed when she mentioned his inventions... She was right, he did, but how did she figure that out? Maybe everything that happened the other night. Crossing his arms, she kept going, explaining her situation for the drunk people and paying too much. So, she was a con artist too. That was interesting. Her words were such gibberish, but he got the message. It took a little moment for him to think about it, starting to look through his bag. He then smiled as he put some vials and flasks on the bed. [b]''So, you want me to bring you to a place so you can rip off some drunk rich people? That sounds like a lot of pleasure... I could probably make some good coin gambling with the idiots that are going to be present. You know what, I'll do for very little money, but I want to know what you can make as medicine for my own little projects, alright?''[/b] That would be the deal. He would need a good change of clothes, which he has. It was to see what she would say in return.-- Relief immediately filled Aaerynn's body as she heard that he was willing to do it. Her shoulders relaxed, and there was a sense of happiness in her face although she didn't smile. But then her ears twitched at the last bit. She quirked an eyebrow in curiosity. "What do you mean? Medicine for your own projects?" -- Vordan went into his book that was in the bag and opened up to one random page. Of course, it was written in the old Maker's language so that no one understood what was on the paper. He showed her, giving her the book for a moment. She wouldn't understand what was written so it was to make a point that he was doing this. He then went to the endless amounts of ingredients and started sorting them out. [b]"Every two pages represent a mixture or invention that worked but needs tweaking. My other book is finalized inventions and mixtures. I only have very few completed and tested, but it is enough. I don't sell my inventions, I innovate them and use them for whatever needed."[/b] - Aaerynn looked down at the book he had given her. She flipped a page back and forth, the language looked like gibberish to her, but at the same time it was amazing. Everything was diligent and well kept. There were even some illustrations and it looked like he had taken notes on every single aspect of everything he had done. "So this is what you scribble about..." She whispered to herself, and a small smile cracked on her lips both due to awe and the fact that she was given a slight look into the scribbler's world. But the smile quickly faded as she looked up at him. "This doesn't answer my question though. I make medicine, how is that going to help with this?" She looked back down at the pages, flipping through a couple more. "I suppose I could help you with mixtures. But what are these inventions even for, if you don't sell them?" -- Vordan brought some the ingredients to the small table in his room. He had his eyes off her for just a moment, paying attention to the things on his desk so it didn't break. He then turned back, seeing a small smile upon her lips as she went through the pages. At least I made her happy to see his gibberish in there. And so, he also brought up some bandages and his writing supplies to the table. [b]"I base most of my mixture off of logical mixtures of ingredients and a good knowledge of magic, creatures and plants. I could probably heighten the effects and make it so my bandages are more universal in nature."[/b] He then approached, taking away the book gently and then taping were her scar was and then wiggling his fingers. [b]"That is why I do it. I do want to sell my stuff in a couple years, but only when I have a place to sell them and that I have discovered safe ways of doing my things."[/b] With that, he brought his book to the table and then asked one last thing. [b]"So, when and where? Do I have to dress properly? Any details I should know?"[/b] -- Aaerynn looked down at the hand that tapped her scar, an eyebrow still quirked. But she felt like she knew the scribbler a little bit better, and it was kind of nice. Well, it was interesting at least. If he was willing to help her for cheap, and if she could help him out with the gibberish then she would. She placed a hand on her hip as she answered his questions. "I suppose later tonight, around 8 or 9 if it suits you. We could just meet outside the inn. You should probably dress decently, if you have anything else besides what you're wearing. I don't know any details, I just need a way in, that's all." - He nodded his head and started looking at his ingredients. [b]"Sounds good. I'll see you then Aaerynn... And you should really get that affliction of yours checked out. If holy water with some fire water sizzled the dark blood you had, it will become bad fast. Could start trying for a cleansing mix for you, might get you out of your situation."[/b] He didn't look at her, but he appreciated that she was opening up a little.- Aaerynn stared at his back, and watched him sift through ingredients. His mention of affliction made her move a hand to her scar. It pulsed as her mind desperately tried not to think about her state or where she was or the memories that begged to resurface. "It won't. Don't worry yourself over something like that. Cleansers, medicine, holy water, nothing will heal it. It can't be healed by anything physical. Just forget you saw it." She waited for a moment before turning to head for the door. "I'll see you tonight." -- [b]"If you say you can deal with it, then alright."[/b] It would still linger on his mind like the condition of the twin. Hopefully, the girl was doing fine after all this... His hatred for the two had almost vanished, especially with what he knew now. It wasn't always great figuring out things or being smart enough to put two and two together. And so, he waved behind him as she left, going to work at his new bandages and also a new mixture for one of those blade wielders. This night would be quite an interesting one.-- ------- Serna woke up to the sound of snoring. She couldn’t place it at first. Her eyes opened to a room that was far too bright, and just as she was trying to come to her senses, everything hit her at once. Her head pulsed with a headache she had never experienced before, and her whole body felt terribly heavy. It was like she had to put double the strength into just moving her leg an inch. Everything hurt, and her tongue felt swollen as she realized how awfully thirsty she was. Her eyesight was fuzzy and she tried to remember where she was or even what happened but she couldn’t think with the ache in her skull. Her hand shifted a bit, until it came in contact with hair. Serna turned her head and realized it was the navy hair of her brother. Setna felt the movement, and he snapped up, mid-snore, looking around with drool still slipping down his chin. He tried to figure out what woke him up, until finally his eyes met those of his sister. It took him a few moments for his brain to pick up on the fact that his sister was indeed awake and staring at him. But when he did, he let out a yelp. “SERIE!” Serna winced at the noise but she couldn’t help smiling as her brother suddenly engulfed her into his arms. She could feel his tears wet her shoulder as he pulled her in tight to his chest. Serna didn’t know what to do, or what was happening so she only muttered what she could. “So...rry…” Her voice croaked and Setna immediately let go of her. “OH gods! I’m so sorry. Shit, look at me practically squeezing you to death. How do you feel? Does anything hurt? Are you thirsty? You’re probably thirsty.” Tears were stick leaking from his eyes as Setna fumbled to stand up, and he ran over to a pitcher that had been filled with water. He poured his sister a glass and rushed over, handing it out to her. Serna just stared at it for a moment before raising her shaky hand to take it. Setna realized how stupid he was, and immediately helped her take a sip from the glass. “Sorry…I’m so sorry….I’m so sorry.” Setna kept repeating those words as he felt his body shake with relief and happiness. “Ah, Aaerynn! I should get Aaerynn! Hold on, stay right there Serie! Don’t move!” Serna watched with an amused face as Setna set the glass down and nearly tripped over himself trying to get out the door. She could hear him screaming for the wood elf as he ran. The girl was tired though, unbearably so, and she found herself nodding off. When she woke again, she was in the company of both her brother and Aaerynn. Setna looked at Aaerynn excitedly. “Look! She’s up again! She’s ok, right? She’s going to be ok?” Serna blinked as she felt Aaerynn’s cool hand on her forehead, it felt nice, and the girl was sad when the wood elf pulled away. “How do you feel?” The wood elf’s voice was gentler than before. Not so sharp or cold and Serna tried to find her words. “Tired…head hurts…” The teenage girl finally responded and Setna gripped her hand. “Can you tell me what the last thing you remember is? Do you know who I am? Do you know the others?” Aaerynn’s voice was soft as her hands began mixing something in a cup. Serna swallowed, trying to collect her thoughts. What could she remember? “You’re Aaerynn…the others…there’s Sir Vordan...Sir Elrithos…Sir Caelis…Miss Faith…Sir Tirian…and Rudolf….um.” The girl shifted in discomfort. “The last thing I remember….I don’t know…There was fighting right?...I don’t know… it was dark.” Setna looked at Aaerynn with a frown. “That’s good enough right?” Aaerynn nodded as she handed Setna a cup of what she had been mixing. “Yes. Have her drink this and then get her something to eat. Nothing solid yet. Ask the kitchen if they can prepare a vegetable or chicken stock that she can drink. Other than that she should be fine with some rest. There was bound to be some memory loss with the injury, I’m surprised she can remember this much.” Setna broke out into a wide grin, happiness practically exploding out of his pores. Aaerynn handed him a small pouch of a powder. “I’m going to be out later tonight. So mix a pinch of this in a few hours and before she goes to bed. It’ll help her with the headache and the rest of the pain, alright?” Setna nodded enthusiastically as he took it from her. “Thank you! I don’t know how to repay you for this.” Aaerynn just shook her head as she exited the room, “Just take care of her.” She called out before leaving. Setna looked back at his sister and the two twins smiled, both in relief.