Forum roleplays take a long time, especially compared to chat roleplays. The more people there is, the longer it might take. What I'm looking for is a female (as in the title), who can provide several posts at a time. So, for instance, if we don't happen to communicate one day, neither is required to have multiple posts, but if we do happen to communicate on a given day, I want to be able to read and reply with at least three, and hopefully more, posts. Posts can be as short or as long as you want, as long as there's good to moderate spelling, good to moderate punctuation, and no text talk in character (out of character text talk is fine) So, I'm looking for an RP with less action, less adventure, and less game mechanics compared to the typical RPs here. Can be any genre as long as we play non-canonical characters. Can be 18+ or void of sexual content.