Larek took a deep breathe. The food was good, as always. They could afford to eat quite well now that the harvest was in and the money flowed freely. Their farm was rich and there was a large market for the crops it produced. Larek wasn't totally sure himself about fatherhood, but he had not doubt that he and Nyx would give their children all their love. Besides, he wanted to see more beauty in the world, and no female could surpass Nyx, at least in his eyes. "Thanks, love." He made no mention of the bulge that came with the egg. Kos got up and helped to clean the house. He had been told by the healers to pitch in and make sure his wife wasn't under any undo stress, as it might interfere with conception. He had made sure that there was nothing wrong with his system, and he had it checked out several times before he was reassured enough to satisfy him. It was on his mind too. Every male dracon wanted to imagine himself as the great father of a brood, much like a dragon wanted to populate its territory with offspring. Spread his bloodline around. Yeah, he feared that his branch of the bloodline might not flow as it ought to. Veax saw that breakfast was already laid out. He gave his wife a kiss. "Good morning, my love. The food looks good as always." Orna had already prepared some food for her husband. She knew he tended to get up early and work hard. She also knew that farming was dirty work, so she already had a bucket filled with warm water for him to wash his claws off in. ----------------------------------------------- "It could come any time now" Caex said, taking her soft human hand in his clawed one. As always, he was careful not to cut her. It came with having claws. Aura found Ryland inside the house. "There you are, lover! I was looking for you!"