Wow, this is unexpected; good tidings and welcome, ruler! Yes the first several posts are quite lengthy and it'll take [i]roughly[/i] half an hour to fourty-five minutes to fully read the existing information. Don't want to sound like a broken record, but if you have any questions, you are free to ask or PM me about whatever needs clarification. [quote=FernStone] I don't think roleplaying is gaming really, I agree with collaborative writing more. You can have roleplaying within gaming eg. Tabletop RPGs but gaming implies some kind of mechanics and rules. I mean I do both RPGs and roleplaying and I'd say they're definitely different. Just my opinion though [/quote] You're absolutely right, Fern and I second that! I just want reiterate my experiences for clarification's sake and emphasize that roleplaying is a collaborative writing process that makes collective idea sharing just as important as it is to bring justice to the main characters. Provided, I'm still growing as a writer and I sometimes struggle with portraying characters with unique and believable personalities, but it's my privilege to add as much of a fusion between realism and story-telling as possible! Additionally, we as writers can manipulate the story's environment, but if we're true to our character personalities, we should respect the fact that characters will react in different ways and not necessary do what we as writers want. Otherwise, we're really just playing ourselves and that sort of defeats the purpose of telling a story and delivering a memorable tale. But enough of me getting all preachy. If I, at all, sound like a hard ass, please excuse my perceived attitudes because, at the end of the day, I really just want to work with all of you to deliver a memorable and believable tale!