Cremutus kept up his methodical advance down the corridors of the imperial vessel. The Warpsmith encountered little at first. Mostly the fleeing backs of the enemy Ratings and Armsmen. He quickly caught up to them in the halls near the cargo holds. Drawing his combat blade, not wanting to waste bolter ammo or sully his power axe with their worthless blood. He stepped behind the slowest running Rating, already injured from their previous battle he thrust the blade into his back. Pulling the blade out the the ratings side and into the arm of the armsmen next him him he began a flurry of slaughter for a number of minutes. Chasing down the last of the men he stopped and began to shut down the anger response this waste of time had triggered, but he stopped before running the program, deciding that he would use the anger, it sped up his reflexes by a half millisecond. He boosted his aural receivers and began to hunt for more prey. These humans where not even a challenge. His workshop could have been filled with servitors after this, if he still had a workshop. The unrepentant seemed dead in the void, power was fluctuating rapidly. Quickly picking up the sounds of screaming and bone saws he knew he was closing on the medicae deck. As Cremutus neared the entrance the medicea deck he grunted in disgust, A small man, a chiurgen by the looks of his robes. He asked Cremutus to spare his life and those within the hall. Cremutus quickly decided that a following of Chiurgens would benefit the lord of change. Activating his external vox system he spoke in a low metallic voice “Deny the emperor and you shall be saved. embrace Tzeentch as your true god. the corpse emperor sits on his throne rotting, useless and he will not return, Horus saw to that. Embrace Tzeentch now by kneeling before me and swearing your life to the lord of change!” The man knelt and attempted to say Architect of Fate's name but instead blood burst froth from between his lips. A good sign this was not. Beckoning the man to follow, Cremutus entered the Medicae hall. Surveying the area he saw many wounded men and a few other Chiurgens around tending to the worst of the injured. He decided that converting these wretches was not worth his time and would probably displease tzeentch anyways, worthless prayers given unwillingly. Knowing that he was better used by breaking the Enginerium. He confirmed the sniper was still with him he continued onto his target. Ignoring the wounded and medics.