The mayor was paralyzed as he looked into the foreigner's one eye. Though his appearance wasn't frightening, he could see something in his eye. The look of a man that has seen many things, and not many pleasant. As their staredown continued, the soldiers that had been focusing on Weston had split up to chase down someone that attacked several. By the time Weston looked back around, he could only see fleeing soldiers. He looked around at the few that remained before sheathing both his swords across his back. [b]"That's good enough,"[/b] Weston noted to himself as he began to walk away. With his words, the mayor was suddenly snapped out of his fear. [b]"Where do you think you're going?"[/b] he asked, pounding the handle of his hammer against the cobblestone street. Weston didn't even respond as he continued walking away. Before Vladmir could get more worked up about it, the remaining soldiers all aimed their weapons at him. But before any shots could be fired, the Rift Hunters that had been standing idle realized they now had the upper hand. In a loud uproar, the locals brought up their arms for a much less overwhelming battle. --- [I]Another one?[/I] Summer thought to herself with a scowl. A second person, this time a woman, approached the Free Wind. [I]I'm not just going to give everybody on this island a ride. That's a pointless plight. It's pitiful enough as it is...[/I] The green-haired woman smacked her forehead, before pushing a button to activate the ship's PA system. [b]"New girl,"[/b] she said first, directed to Nora. [b]"You can come on board also. Both of you are to report to the top deck immediately. You will find stairs immediately to your left upon entering. At the top of the stairs, take two rights and the big door leads onto the deck."[/b] [b]"I expect you to have all your money out and in your hands by the time you get there."[/b] Though her words were greedy, there was no smirk or grin on her face. Only a look of anger and contempt. Whether it was toward the ship, her crew, the newcomers, or the situation in general, it was obvious the captain was far from pleased. [b]"And put any weapons on the floor. The man with a gun will assist you in disarming yourselves."[/b] As she let go of the PA button, she kicked the wall beneath the controls. Quickly realizing she forgot something, she turned the PA on again. [b]"We cannot fly at this time. One of my guards and my first mate went into the town to get a mechanic. We leave as soon as they return, regardless of where you are standing or how comfortable you think you aren't."[/b] With that, she released the button again and kicked the wall again. [I]And of course they are taking their sweet time when the Crucible shows up. The longer they take, the more vagrants will come aboard. What am I going to do with them, anyways? Hmm...[/I] --- After running out the back door with the others, Aubrey took one last look at his house. He couldn't hear if his mother opened the front door yet or not. He didn't think they would kill her, but he had a sinking feeling that she would be... gone. [I]Or am I the one that is about to disappear?[/I] Aubrey realized. Almost absent-mindedly, he bumped into Isaac when the gun-wielding man stopped everyone. This brought his attention to the Crucible soldiers that Varren proceeded to take care of. The teen didn't say a word, but as they continued on, he stared at the bodies. It was strange. Almost like the next step. He had seen many brawls in Kuiper, and the loser would often be laying on the floor unconscious. It was almost like that. But worse. He figured he should feel disturbed by watching them be killed, but he didn't. Only morbid acknowledgement. His mind was still occupied by leaving his mother behind. At her own request, even. [I]Did she just not want to carry on anymore?[/I] Aubrey wondered as the small party entered the forest. He was snapped out of his daze when Emery finally spoke up. Hearing a familiar voice brought him back to reality, and he also noticed another person had shown up. It was one of the Rift Hunter kids. Aubrey didn't know him well, but he saw him around. While others their age went to school, Aubrey never did. But he could remember seeing him through the windows, or seeing him at Maximus headquarters. Looking ahead at the gun-wielding man, Aubrey frowned. [I]Those two have something in common. They can survive in situations like this. People like Isaac, Emery and I...[/I] He glanced back over his shoulder one last time, looking back at the town as they plunged further into the forest. --- Despite the chaos around him, Weston walked rather casually. It took a moment, but he had managed to walk out of the town of Krukow without a problem. The remaining soldiers were too occupied to bother chasing him. Not that any would if they had the option. As he walked, he heard the Interceptor start powering up and glanced over his shoulder. The white, sleek ship took to the air rather quickly and immediately turned hard left. Whoever was onboard, likely that wind mage captain, wanted to retreat to the safety of the Magellan battleships. Battleships always accompanied Interceptors on annexation missions. Weston let out a sigh before turning his gaze forward again. Though, after a few seconds he suddenly stopped. He looked to his right at an open field. The wind moved the grass ever so gently, but there wasn't even a flower in sight to dot the permanent green. [b]"Yeah, I feel it too,"[/b] he mumbled. He continued to stare at the field for a moment, before a tiny speck appeared in the air several meters away. Weston watched a moment as it slowly grew in size, soon reaching the size of a coin. [b]"Hmm..."[/b] As the Rift continued forming, Weston continued walking again. Though he kept his gaze on the black Rift portal. Though it was growing rather slowly, he knew the problems that were about to arise. --- Summer didn't get a chance to leave the command bridge before she saw some movement in the trees from out the window. Stopping to look, she saw Varren leading a group of teenagers to the ship. With a scowl, she kicked open the slightly opened door and stormed down the stairs. Once on the top deck, she stomped over to the railing and leaned over it. [b]"Varren!"[/b] she shouted down at the incoming group. [b]"Where the hell is Weston!?"[/b]