[hider=MiMay][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2ebh0t4.png[/img] [center][b]MiMay[/b][/center] [b]Name::[/b] MiMay [i]or Mimay [/i] [b]Age::[/b] Unsure, she goes along with the age 23. [b]Gender::[/b] Female [b]Sexuality::[/b] Pansexual [b]Species::[/b] Alien; Vattenjenten [b]Height::[/b] 7' 2" [b]Hair Color::[/b] Light blue [i]can look transparent and you can see her head[/i] [b]Eye Color::[/b] Yellow-Green [i](Or Golden Hazel)[/i] [b]Deformities/Odd Features::[/b] -Has long arm limbs that touch her knees. Since she is tall and lanky, she is very fragile. She can pick up a person, but only one. If she tries hard, two people. -Her alien species usually speak to eachother telepathically because their lips do not open wide enough unless intaking food. She has a communicator choker and headphones. The headphones is so she can hear different languages. The communicator is used to communicate, but it has been malfunctioning lately. So she will accidentally stutter when she tries to speak. The communicator sounds very robotic and echoe-y. -She cannot do telepathy like her species. -Her skin is like that of a [b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagfish]hagfish[/url][/b]. It can be very slimy and often times, a lot of slime can come out of her body. -When it becomes very hot, she shrinks to 5'6". These temperatures have to be at least in 90 degree weather WITHOUT HUMIDITY. If humid, she will shrink only when it's about 190 degrees. Her body is mostly water and slime. [b]General Appearance::[/b] A seven foot tall lanky and fragile giant, MiMay wears a communicator choker and headphones. Her light blue hair is often down and stops just above her thigh area. Her skin is a smooth green-blue, only to become slimy when frightened, in shock, or overexcited. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, golden hazel in color. She would love to wear white colored outfits, especially turtlenecks. Her midriff seems to always show since she is too tall for certain outfits. However, to hide her bottom half, she would use fishtail skirts or sarong wraps. She likes anything that seems exotic or very foreign and cute looking. However, because she seems uncomfortable in the factory, she will wear a bundle. This means that she will wear anything she can cover herself in and shiver in her own slime. [b]Personality::[/b] A "sweetheart" but very cautious. She is more likely to follow than to lead a group. If she truly befriends someone, she becomes gullible around them and will most likely follow them like a lost puppy. She is easy to manipulate when you befriend her. She can also easily "fall in love" when kissed [i]despite it being an accident or not[/i] and will follow the person who she "loves". This can cause huge problems with friends, herself, or the person she decided to imprint on. She is a cry-baby when she imprints, but if she has not, then she will be more calm-mannered and quiet. She lies loyal to the ones she trusts most. She is very afraid of the dark and the unknown. Unfortunately, her communicator stutters more erratically when she gets scared. Mimay often becomes very slimey and will hug people out of fear, covering them in goo. Despite these weaknesses, she is an intelligent being who understands many different languages. Just by hearing a few sentences and reading it, she is able to learn the language within two days at most. She can grab things from tall heights and she can become tender when she wants to. Her slime allows her to slip through small spaces and gives lubrication for those needing to escape. [b]History::[/b] Let's just say she hates blackholes. [b]Abilities:: [/b] -Can understand a language in a day or two. -Her slime can become slippery and thick. [i]If consumed, it could choke someone to death. [u]Her slime is NOT consumable. Just saying.[/i][/u] -Can reach high places -Able to stay underwater for 10 minutes. The max is 15 minutes. -Can't burn up easily because of her slime [b]Weaknesses::[/b] -If she falls from a great height, she could hurt most of her bones and die. -Her bones take longer to heal than a normal person's depending on the wound. -She is not agile or flexible at a tall height. -When she is shrunken, she will end up more susceptible to heat sensitivity. Her slime becomes harder to receive which can cause her to burn up and die. -If she holds more than one person, she becomes slow and her leg muscles will strain from the weight. She may even pass out from energy loss with holding two people. -She is clumsy with her arms. -She hates the dark. [b]Unknown[/b][/hider] [hider=Hound][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2rxv1a1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2wgun8j.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/331elag.png[/IMG] [center][i]If I had shown you my true form in the first place, you wouldn't have trusted me enough to so as get near you. I saved your life...all their lives. Remember that.[/i][/center] [b]Name:: [/b]Hound [b]Age:: [/b]39 [b]Gender/Sex:: [/b]Male [b]Sexuality:: [/b]Straight [b]Species (if spliced or alien):: [/b]Dreamwolf / Wulven / Human [b]Height:: [/b]-Dreamwolf: 5’0 [indent]Hair Color: A mix of white, dark blue, and black[/indent] [indent]Eye Color: The third eye is white with a dark purple sclera. Both left and right eye are orange in color.[/indent] -Wulven/Human: 5’10” [indent]Hair Color: Dark Blue[/indent] [indent]Eye Color: Purple[/indent] [b]Deformities/odd features:: [/b]-One of the few experiments who remembers everything before being spliced. -Has no nose/snout. It is replaced with a venus flytrap-like mouth (A vertical mouth). He breathes through the mouth only. -His bottom half as a Dreamwolf is slightly transparent. -He has a third eye that is attached to his brain. He is able to use most of his powers through his third eye but can use his spiked pores if he wants to. -Has spikes on his back and his forelegs. However, they also serve as pores. Like how a bone produces blood cells, his spikes produce sleep toxins to allow a creature to fall asleep. -Staring into his bottom half is like staring into space. Staring too long can cause fear. -In his Wulven/Human form, he has dark black hands that fade as his natural skin color to his elbows. He has long black claws. [b]Abilities::[/b] -Can shift whenever he wants AT NIGHTTIME as a Dreamwolf or his real form. [u]-Dreamwolf:[/u] -Knows a lot about medicines and poisons. -He is able to make someone fall asleep. Whether it is by using his sleeping pores or his third eye. His third eye gives telepathic waves and that is able to soothe a person into sleep or just drowsiness. It can also help calm a person down. -He is able to go into the dreams of others and either give good dreams, bad dreams, or just wander around their memories. He cannot go into “locked” memories. -He can still bite, scratch people, or tackle someone with his body weight. -Very agile in this form, not flexible. -He is able to eat human carcasses (not aliens). [u]-Wulven/Human[/u] -Is able to do simple surgery, heal others, or make medicines through different items. -His claws are longer than an average humans and can cause fatal wounds. -Is still able to use his sleep/dream powers with his third eye, but he can’t use his pores. -Can be both fast and flexible. [b]Weaknesses::[/b] -Can only turn Wulven/human at nighttime. -He can be easily distinguished as a scientist in his Wulven/human form and cause other experiments to be wary of him, hate him, or want to get rid of him. [So for a LONG while, he’ll stay as a Dreamwolf] -Can’t heal people in his Dreamwolf state. -Not strong enough to carry a person. -Still wants to become a scientist/doctor so he can be easily influenced by the people chasing after the defects. He might even betray the family of defects. -Can die in someone else’s dreams if it becomes too harsh in nature. -He can overheat himself in his Dreamwolf state. -His pores can come out from will, but he needs a whole day to recharge them. -Can only breathe through his mouth in his Dreamwolf state, so he can suffocate easily if he does not lie down in a certain way or his mouth is covered. He can also die if he eats too much. [b]Personality::[/b] A quiet character. He is mostly independent, but Hound follows the group because he has nowhere else to go. He tries hard to accept his form, but knows deep down inside he hates himself. As a way to redeem himself, he tries to help people (no matter who they are) as much as possible. He is very patient and somehow knows everyone before they have the chance to introduce themselves. He seems very rough around the edges at first, but once you get to know him, he’s just an overcautious guy. He’ll even try to push people away at first. Other times, he’ll seem father-like. He’ll make sure everyone eats before he does and he makes sure that surroundings are safe before settling down. He likes to settle down characters who want to sleep but are too afraid to. Because of this, he’ll use his third eye to send soothing sleep rays for those who want to sleep. (If you fight the sleep rays, you’ll just end up drowsy). In his Wulven/Human form, he still acts the way he does. However, if he is in a bad mood or if people recognize him and become moodier around him, he’ll sneer more often and become cold-hearted. (Very unlike his fatherly ways as a Dreamwolf). He tends to make sarcastic remarks in this form. Either way, he’ll still help in medicinal practices. [b]History::[/b] The story with the Dreamwolf is that it was spliced with a father, son, and a Dreamwolf character. Both father and son were ex-workers of the Soap Factory. The father, Lyzen, is a captain of a ship that takes defective experiments to the Soap Factory. He was one of the nicer guards back when he worked the ship. He would take food to the experiments and leave. He is also an alien (called a Wulven) with the power to send sleep waves towards creatures. He especially does this to the restless experiments or the ones that are afraid. Lyzen would also stop other guards from hurting other experiments by making them do stuff around his ship area. His son [Grenzel] is a scientist of the Soap Factory who likes to play around with the defectives by doing his own little experiments. As a way to become a scientist, he used to be a guard and was one of the meanest people there. [At first, he wanted to be nice to the experiments like his dad, but the cruelty of the guards and peer pressure brought him to where he was.] Now a scientist, he is 30 times worse than when he was a guard. He would force already defective experiments into dissection or body modification. While growing up, Grenzel wanted to be a ship captain like his dad. But after visiting the Soap Factory, he realized he loved the creatures very much. Grenzel always wanted to be a caring scientist or a kind doctor. In the end, he became cruel, sadistic, and mean. When a dream wolf came to another factory that Lyzen was receiving boxes of with new defective experiments, his dad became an unexpected splice experiment due to his race being related to a dream wolf. Dream wolves are able to go into the unconscious mind of others and either bring them nightmares or good dreams. They are almost worshipped by Wulven aliens because dreams are like that of a superstition to them. Wulven aliens rarely dream, but can put people to sleep. Dream wolves give good or bad dreams, but they cannot force someone to sleep. Lyzen died once he was spliced with the dream wolf. The experiment was a failure, but scientists were quick to extract living DNA from the subject before death. The DNA formed another dream wolf of artificial intelligence but was sent to the Soap Factory because it had no powers like that of a Dream Wolf. The son found out about this and grew mad because his father was used as an experiment. He became distant to his coworkers and became brutal to the guards. His anger was no longer at the defects. Another scientist, who was a rival of Grenzel, was trying to assess the problem of the artificial Dream Wolf when he realized the son being a half-Wulven alien. So Hound was made by splicing the son into the Dream Wolf. It was a failure, only because it is illegal to splice yourself or other scientists into creatures without consent. The son was framed to be the culprit of illegal splicing. But had it not been illegal, the splicing would have been a success. Grenzel’s half-human half-wulven DNA awakened the already Lyzen/Wolf splice and the power to put creatures to sleep, as well as enter their dreams, was a success. Hound has a mixed personality, influenced by the memories of the son (and some of the father). He can turn into the son, but that’s only because the son is the one controlling the artificial body. He remembers his history, but now remembers part of his dad’s memories. He’s trying to redeem himself in his new body by accepting it, but gets tired of it at times. Secretly, he will turn into his true self (away from the others so they do not fear him). He found out he can only turn into his normal self at nighttime (if he wants to). [/hider]