Sorry I took so long to make a character, but here he is. Let me know if anything needs tweaking. [b]Name:[/b] Kevin Jaeger [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Species:[/b] Human (Voodoo zombie) [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Picture][img][/img][/hider]Though Kevin has been "alive" for a total of 27 years, he appears about 20. He has green eyes and medium length brown hair which he keeps styled to his liking (see picture above). He is about 5'10" and weighs 143 lbs, making him pretty skinny, but not unhealthily so. He works out just enough to maintain a toned physique, but he's far from a bodybuilder. [b][u]Powerset: Voodoo Zombie[/u][/b] [*][b]Numb (Tactical | Passive):[/b] Ever since he was cursed, Kevin has never been able to feel any pain of any sort, with the exception of head pain (though to a much lesser extent than normal) or pain inflicted by voodoo powers or weapons, which he experiences twice as badly as anyone else would. Unfortunately, just because he can't feel pain doesn't mean his body isn't damaged, and he will experience the physical limitations of injuries as any normal person would, though without moaning or screaming in pain.[/*] [*][b]Hard to Kill (Defensive | Passive):[/b] Due to the voodoo curse through which Kevin is being kept "alive," he cannot be killed by any normal means, save for decapitation or major head trauma, though he is much less vulnerable to the latter. He does, however, experience the effects of supernatural powers and weapons, though to a lesser extent than others would.[/*] [*][b]Harder-Hitting (Offensive | Class 3):[/b] Since Kevin cannot feel pain, he doesn't have to worry about punching someone so hard it hurts to him, making his capacity for inflicting brute force in hand to hand combat greater than normal humans. The drawback is that he could break his hand without knowing it.[/*] [*][b]Death-Like (Tactical/Defensive | Class 5):[/b] Having an inch wide hole going through your stomach makes you look pretty dead if you don't move. Even more so when your heart rate is zero and you don't have to breathe. Because of this, Kevin can feign death at the drop of a hat, and very convincingly at that.[/*] [b][u]Rogue power:[/u][/b] [*][b]Voodoo Manipulation:[/b] Kevin doesn't know it yet, but he has the ability to manipulate voodoo magic. It's something that would likely only show itself if a practitioner of voodoo were to detect it, or if he were forced into a situation where he would subconsciously summon his power.[/*] [b]Personality:[/b] Ever since Kevin's "death," he has had a very neutral, almost sedate attitude. It's not like he's an emotionless Vulcan or anything, but he does come close to it. Very few things will make him become emotionally charged, but it does give him more room to think about things on an objective level, making him much better at critical thinking and negotiating than he ever was before. The only things that could get to him would be seeing a friend or family member get hurt or killed, and because of that he is extremely loyal to those he cares about, along with the bureau. Ironically, because of his largely deadpan attitude and calculating demeanor, people tend to avoid him, making it hard for him to really make any friends, though he doesn't mind it, and it doesn't affect his communication skills with Otherkin much. [b]History:[/b] Kevin was born to a relatively well-off family. His mother was a teacher and his father a programmer, so it's not like he was rich, but they did live very comfortably. His sister Nicole was born when he was two, and they've always gotten along fairly well. He was a bit of an arrogant prick through elementary school and a quiet loner through middle school, but by the time he matured he became a very giving and protective person. He was always there for his friends and was willing to stand up for them, though thankfully he has only had to do that once. He became a revolutionary type, seeing all sorts of injustice in the world and taking every opportunity to speak out against it. Once he graduated he joined the Peace Corps and was almost immediately put on a plane to Guinea. He figured his time was best spent trying to solve other peoples' problems, and his efforts went above and beyond the Peace Corps' expectations. What they hadn't expected was for him to get abducted by a cult of natives as part of a voodoo ritual. Shortly after the abduction he was displayed to the tribe, covered in ceremonial paint and strapped to an intricate scaffold that held him over a pike. After several chants and charms, he was lowered onto the pike, impaling him through the stomach. He died a slow and very painful death. He was found by others in the Peace Corps a day later and arrangements were made for him to be sent back to the US. An open-coffin funeral was held six days later, and much to everyone's surprise, he opened his eyes and lifted himself out of the coffin, causing his father to piss his pants and his mother to faint. Kevin was just as confused as everyone else. He couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening. He put together that he was in some sort of accident, but the fact that he woke up during his own funeral was a mystery to him and everyone else, especially those who saw his very fatal wound. Fortunately, there were a few Otherkin at the funeral, and one of them contacted The Bureau. They got there before anyone else, posing as various types of people to convince everyone it was an elaborate, and sick, joke, while they took Kevin with them. At that point he was told about The Bureau and the Otherkin, along with the fact that, like it or not, he was to stay with The Bureau for some time to both investigate what happened to him and to give him a few pointers about being, well, dead. Rather than being worried or pissed about being dead, he was actively trying to block out what had happened. After having incessantly bugged The Bureau about going home, he was finally released. He apologized to his family profusely about the prank and he was, of course, implored by his parents to leave the Peace Corps. He did, though not because they told him to. Something changed within him, and he didn't feel as motivated to be in the Peace Corps anymore. He was no longer as outspoken and opinionated as he was before the incident; he was much more neutral and objective. He also made a point of ensuring he wasn't seen without a shirt, and he actively attempted to avoid looking at his wound, though if he had, he would have noticed that it wasn't showing signs of healing. He was mentally suppressing as much about The Bureau and his death that he could manage. Nicole could tell something was up, but Kevin always denied it, until one day when she caught him with his shirt off and saw the injury, looking relatively fresh rather than healed and scarred, like it would have been by that time. It was at that point that reality caught up to Kevin and he accepted the fact that his life was changed forever. By the promise that she would tell no one else, he told Nicole everything he knew, both about himself and the Bureau. After having seen what should have at best paralyzed Kevin and at worst killed him, she bought it, and knowing this, she knew that what Kevin told her was best kept secret. Shortly thereafter, Kevin returned to the Bureau to get answers about what happened to him. He was then told that the only way that was possible was if he jined the Bureau and aided them in their investigations. He figured being offered a top secret job at a branch of the FBI that shouldn't exist wasn't the worst thing that had happened to him, so he decided to sign on. He has been working for them ever since.