Just as Lisa started to get snuggly and comfy with the three beauties some guy, some man with a no-nonsense stiff attitude came and dragged her away. His hands felt like ropes tying themselves around her arm. Despite her resistance it only seemed to get tighter, [i]to bind her faster with rope on chafing rope[/i]. She longed to return to them, as [i]she has heard the honeyed voices pouring from their lips. So they sent their ravishing voices out across the air and the heart inside Lisa throbbed to listen longer. But once she'd left the Sirens fading in her wake, once she could hear their song no more, their urgent call--[/i] she was quick to come to her senses, what little was still there. The man brought her to a quiet spot in the relative sense. Lisa pulled out a little tin of beeswax lip balm, kneaded it between her fingers, and donned it on her lips still stained by the Sirens' passion. He introduced himself as Richard, a name she would quickly forget. Words were said and questions were asked. Richard wanted to know more about Mari, about what she was rambling senselessly about. "My secret you say? You want to know? I didn't know you want to know. Why do you want to know? But I'll tell ya." Lisa smacked her lips, the beeswax lip balm leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. "One night... one night was when I saw it. Him. Reed. Under a full moon. Turned into a Werewolf! Hahaha hehehe" she giggled and laughed to herself, the lipstick marks almost made her look like a clown amused by her own antics. "Now why would I... Why. Would. I. Tell you my secret? Then it wouldn't be a secret! You know, Mr. Frankie said three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. Mari knows. I know. If I told you, I'm as good as dead." Not surprisingly, Richard appeared unsatisfied with her answer. So she went on, rambling about something else. "The part I don't get... Lilith. Who is she? I mean really, who is she? Who does she think she is, getting all chummy with Mari. I know Mari, I [i]know[/i] her. And she knows me. I remember her sweet 16. I remember when she got her driver's license. I know her favorite foods, her favorite movies. I know the way she wriggles her nose before she sneezes, the way she chews her pencils when she's nervous. I [i]know[/i] Mari, and she knows me. So tell me: who is Lilith? Huh? Where did she come from? Lilith... sounds like the name of a succubus." Suddenly Lisa was tired of talking to this guy, this Richard. She had forgotten what she came for, her drive simmered down. "I'm... done. Reed? Where art thou? Gimme a ride home and I'll buy you a pretzel from the mall!" Holding onto the table for balance, Lisa haphazardly stumbled off to find Reed.