Letting out a sigh of relief, Cronic did as asked, and luckily managed to catch Arcadia just as she was locking up. Explaining the situation to the Alchemist, Arcadia left and quickly came back with half a dozen potions of cure disease. A little unexpected, but then again, Cronic did fend off a few cultists that would've tried to kill her too after they were done with him. Giving her his thanks, he took the potions back to the shop and put one down on Aria's desk, took one for himself, and put the rest atop a shelf, before uncorking the potion and chugging down the contents in one fell swoop. "Blegh... Not the most pleasant taste in the world, but you make do with what you got." Cronic said as he unclipped his sword from his belt, going up the stairs to his room. It was only a single bed, but for someone who sleeps rough on a regular basis, a bed is considered a luxury item. propping his bow and sword against the wall, Cronic then sat down on the bed after closing the door. Slipping out of his boots and then removing his coat, folding up the latter and putting it onto the nearby night stand, Cronic lay down and began to ponder the days events. [i]"Dragons, insane cultists, and vampires. Today's been pretty eventful... And crazy. Well. Crazier than most of our antics, anyway."[/i] Cronic thought to himself, checking the burn on his arm, which had almost completely healed at this point.