[b]Rakata Prime- Stravon Dridis[/b] Elation hit Stravon like a brick wall, he knew that the offer was enough for this member of the Tribunal, now he had to hope that either Scelus would convince the others or that whilst Stravon was here he could find one of the other and convince them to agree also, if it was a majority vote then that's all that would matter. “This is a glorious prize indeed, but I still must discuss this important prospect with my fellow Tribunal Members. We are set to meet again tomorrow, but they will most likely not warm up to the idea right away and, or rather Lady Genitrix won’t. Lord Reaver is another story. You will stay until we reach a decision. Now, to prove yourself you will follow me to the archaeological dig of an ancient Rakatan temple. You will need this if you are to prove yourself in the temple." Straovn's sword was hovering before him, scabbard and all, it almost brought a tear to his eye, the one thing he hated more than anything was being separated from his weapon, it was like a first born to Stravon, all of the memories and poor souls that had been lost to this blade was innumerable. Stravon took hold of it with both hands and felt Scelus's grip loosen as it was in his hands, he swiftly attached it to his waist "Home sweet home" Stravon thought to himself. "I thank you My lord, I assure you that your trust in me and, hopefully my employer, will not be misplaced. I shall await for you outside by the speeders" With that he left the archives into the main lobby of the temple and off to the area Scelus had directed him to. the walk there was slightly intimidating, even for someone as cold and experienced as Stravon, he felt the permanent gaze of everyone that he passed and the persistent feeling that he was in danger constantly hounded him. He was just about to enter through the door towards the area Scelus had directed him to, which appeared to be an exit outside to the left of the temple, when stravon bumped into a Sith acolyte, the poor girl must have been about 13 or 15 years old and ricocheted off Stravons body, whilst Stravon himself barely moved from the impact. "My apologies, here let me help you up" He extended his right hand down towards the acolyte but before he could get a hold of her hand she quickly got and assumed a position that is akin to that of standing to attention. Stravon knew that someone of high authority was stood behind him, so he turned and took a look at who it could possibly be. Stravon found himself staring at a humanoid looking being that was roughly about his height and had a dark red menacing mask attached to his face that was underneath a deep black hooded cloak. Stravon had no idea who this was but he could sense the malevolence emitting from him, Stravon felt it best to play it safe here and try and not get himself killed, or more accurately kill someone else. "Greetings sir, I am Stravon Dridis and I'm here to serve for the sith for a while, may I have your name?" [b]Rakata Prime- Darth Vistark[/b] Vistarks eyes widened when he had heard all of the terms to this deal from this odd figure which was talking to his master. He could hardly believe what the sith would get from this, which was a lot. They would receive funding and technology in assistance to destroying the Jedi and then would have to help this 'employer' pull of a coup to become the High Chancellor, and their reward for doing so would be the Jedi temple! Vistark knew how much knowledge was there and how he lusts for it. But there was a small niche to all of this which was that fool Gentrix and that cruel slug Reaver would have to comply to this as well, or rather just one of them for a majority vote. Vistark was pulled from his thoughts when his master walked up to him and asked his input on the matter. He realised that the armoured man was gone now. He looked at his master through the sockets in his mask, and he knew that his master was intrigued by the offer, as anyone should be in his position. But after giving it a bit more thought he let his master know the contents of his musings. "I think it's an excellent offer, we stand to gain much from this deal. However we mustn't forget the possibility of being used as tools, and once tools lose the use they're discarded, so I think its something for us to learn what we are to these people; tools or allies." Vistark thought a bit m,ore and then added "Vigilance is paramount here and knowledge of this mans employer could give us some insight as to our future if we side with them" "Did you manage to pull anything from his mind?" "Master" Vistark quickly added, he was commonly forgetting that Scelus was his master and he had no wish to bring his wrath upon him. [b]Eriadu[/b] Captain Jenson Trist was resting his eyes when a comm officer burst through the tent flap and almost shouted "Sir the enemy have one of our squads caught in a cross fire, they'll be decimated is we fail to assist!" Jenson enjoyed the small moments of respite whenever he got them but saving lives took priority especially against the Republic. Jenson would have spat at the mere thought of the Republic soldiers gloating over their victory if it weren't for his helmet. He quickly got up and answered to the comm officer "Then we shall assist and crush the enemy! Tell everyone to get ready to mobilise in 10 minutes, tops!" "Yessir" Answered the officer before he quickly shot off and started issuing commands through everyone's comm units. Jenson walked out of his tent to see every member of the small camp quickly closing up shop and preparing to move off, it took them about 8 minutes and 41 seconds to finish everything and line up into their ranks. "A new best time" thought Jenson, which made him exceedingly happy. Whilst he did hate the republic training regimes back on Kimono he did appreciate the beauty of organisation and efficiency, this is what he brought to the rebels ranks and they excelled underneath his command. His omni-tool began to flash and it began showing Trist the information on the situation, it was about 2 miles due west from this location, and at a quick march they'd likely reach there and assist the friendly squad called the "Howl runners" in about 15 minutes. "Right everyone listen up!" the captains voice boomed over the men. "We're going to flank the enemy that are assaulting the Howlrunner squad, intel reports that they're in some serious shit, they've got 2 republic squads suppressing their location and we've got to get there double quick if we're to minimse casualties, lets move out!" There was chorus of shouts and yes sir's as they began to quick march towards the enemy's rear flank. The plan was to get them from behind and attract their attention from the howl runners so that they could return fire on the enemy and all together they'd easily overwhelm the enemy squad. Jenson just hoped they'd hold out that long.