//[System.Reboot]; //[Running.Diagnostics]: -[Vindows.98:updates.required] -[Computer.Condition: It'll have to do] -[Security:Yes:Insert.Username+Password::] :[Username]:(Administrator) :[Password]:(***********) _1 readable file of 1566 (File:Day 1: Legacy.doc) _Access: Day 1: Legacy.doc _Pending Request(...) _Day 1: Legacy_ Damn computer, thing just eats powers, Well I'm low on fuel so I might as well make a start. My name is [Error.Loading], or rather was, assuming whether I'm alive or not (knowing my luck I'm a skeleton at the desk). I have decided to take the responsibility of documenting my life from now on onto this computer, I don't know why, maybe I want to leave a legacy -I've never really done anything important- or something, nevermind. I'm probably going to be writing about some weird stuff so I might as well start with why everything is weird, that makes sense, right?  Right. Ok, so it all kicked off around 3 years ago (Edit: the 3rd of October, 2014) , at first it was just a tiny fall in share prices and currency rates and such, we didn't really pay much attention to it, the world was still in a recession so it was kind of normal but then all of a sudden at around 3pm that same day the economy just crashed, not just ours but everyone's, Germany, France, Russia, The UK, even China, the worlds greatest economies reduced to nothing in a split second, scary stuff, I know. And on top of that prices for everything and anything sky rocketed, you couldn't buy a loaf of bread without bankrupting yourself and that brought up a lot of issues. Governments wouldn't sell stuff to eachother, instead keeping it in the country which you would expect caused problems, and by problems I mean World War Three. Because no one was willing to give wheat for sugar or corn for carrots they decided to just take it, American Troops marched into south America to take it's oil fields  and Russia invaded China, for it's minerals, everyone took sides and the world proceeded to slug it out for what was left of the recourses. However the war would soon come to an abrupt end, all sides were working on wonder weapon but by a twist of faith they were all developing the same thing: VS-4-55, a complex string of hydrocarbons, proteins and nitrates that produced a Virus of life ending proportions, a virus that turned the infected into piles if biohazardous slag but that wasn't what screwed us, what screwed us was it's effects on plants.   I'll finish it if it gets interest, this is just a pilot for my idea.