[b][i]Accepting- 1 slot left[/b][/i] [b]The Background: [/b] The Island was once a top secret testing facility for the UN, where genetic tests took place on humans- both willing and unwilling. The genetic mutations began to get out of hand. When subjects would procreate, new mutations or similar ones would show up in the children. Concerned with what they had done and it's unchecked continuation, the scientists and guards abandoned their posts and locked down the Island, abandoning their human lab rats to their fate. The year is 2163 and for the last eighty years, the Island has remained hidden from the world. The few who knew of it's existence have long since left and it has been forgotten, existing on no map. The former test subjects and their offspring have flourished within the surprising safety of their hideaway and built a grand and advanced society. Some even call the island New Atlantis. Now, however, many are beginning to grow restless and wish to reveal themselves to the world. An elite team of the best and brightest between the ages of 17 and 35 are now being gathered for an excursion to the outside world. Time is growing short for them to reveal themselves before they are found and present themselves as friends instead of something to be feared. The tests to select the team are beginning and the clock is counting down. Will they be found first and what will they find in the world beyond the heart of The Island? [b] The Situation [/b] Congratulations! You have been accepted for screening for New Atlantis' exploratory unit. My name is Keilan Liles, the unit's leader, and I'm the one who got to decide who leaves the Island with me.. It is imperative that the best, brightest, most exemplary of our people present our existence to the outside world, so I have chosen you all! We've kept an eye on the outside world for many years now and it's time we show ourselves, before they get a shock. Our monitoring systems tell us that they function quite differently out there than we do and are far less accepting of change. So we have to work quickly and delicately. Our defenses are rather superior, but we don't want to risk being considered a threat and have them turn their vast amounts of weaponry on us! War is not fun. Now, as you can see from just looking at myself, any outwardly obvious mutations are not going to prevent anyone who has been deemed worthy from going out, so don't be concerned and don't hold back! Remember, they aren't used to people like us who wear our mutations of every kind proudly. I don't think they've seen anything like us outside of their fictional writings, movies and lore. Now! Time to get through some training and head out in to the great wide world! I'm ready! Are you? [b] Other Info [/b] The Island and the rest of the world are going to have rather distinct differences in technological advancement. First of all, the Island is freer to work on technologies and has the advantage of overall better mental capacity. The disadvantage is that the Island has had little reason to build a true weapons arsenal, though they did have a clear focus and purpose to build defensive and stealth technologies to hide themselves, but, as a general rule, The Island's tech is more advanced than the outside world's. They have incredible medical tech and have also developed teleporters capable of moving living forms, among other things. The outside world is basically divided in to three factions and their technologies have focused on building advanced nuclear weapons and defense systems and working on super-soldiers and the like. They have developed a few things like quantum teleport systems for weapon transfer and energy based weapons and amassed large stocks of them while working on improving them. This is one of their advantages over the Island. Their medical tech has advanced to incorporate what are, in essence, bacta tanks and nanotoch, and things like the flu and certain types of cancer have been nearly eradicated... For those who serve enough purpose to be saved. The island itself is a democratic-style council government. Each region of this surprisingly large (total land area is close to 13,000 sq miles), technologically concealed island holds elections to select new council members every five years. The society over all is quite accepting of each other, though wary of the world that experimented on and cast out their predecessors. They keep a well trained, but somewhat small 'military' or police like force, but crime rates are almost insanely low. Education is compulsory to an extent, but anything past secondary school is up to the student. Jobs are found easily enough for all niches and education levels. This is a Utopian society. Mutations may come in any form, from enhanced mental/sensory capabilities and outwardly invisible physical enhancements to things that may seem as crazy as functional gills, wings, or scales. Be creative, but do try not to be insanely op with it. You have to sleep. You have to eat. You have to breathe somehow. You do get tired. You are not unstoppable. You have a max of 5 abilities per mutation and a max of 2 mutations per character. Please make them coexist harmoniously together and make sense. Self healing/regen is doable. However, if you want to play team medic, you must do so through medical know how and tech. Your mutation will not allow you to heal someone else. This is not Urban Arcana, sorry folks. That may come later. To let me know you've read this stuff, somewhere in your CS, toss in "Behold! The Handfork of Truth!" or "The meaning of life is bucket!" Extra awesome points if you incorporate it some how. They don't do anything, but an amused gm is less likely to kill the partyyyy~ [b] Character Sheet [/b] Name: Age: (between 17 and 35 please) Gender: Mutation: Appearance: (can be sentences or picture) Abilities: (What can you do because of your genetic mutations?) Non-mutational Skills: (Can you do anything else useful/nifty without your mutations?) Personality: (minimum 3-5 sentences please) Goals: (No minimum requirement here, but please try to be creative and somewhat specific. Why did you want to be part of the exploratory unit in the first place?) Fears/Weaknesses: (Minimum 2 for depth) Backstory/Extra stuff: (what it says. Give me [i]something[/i] to use here pretty pretty pretty please. Don't make the GM beg! <3) [b] Plot toy [/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=1#post-19344] Keilan Liles [/url] [b]Alternates[/b] ------ [b]Accepted Characters[/b] ElectricVelvet- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=1#post-19878] Latia Thrasher [/url] Dethran- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=1#post-20296] Thaddeus Fitch [/url] Invader Len- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=1#post-20340] Rhee and Lilu [/url] Yoyo- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=2#post-26689] James Knowles [/url] Batman-[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=1#post-21680] Mikhail Hare[/url] Kirra- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/2007/posts/ooc?page=2#post-42678] Harper Ellington [/url] [b]Reserved[/b]