[center][URL=http://s1050.photobucket.com/user/domisoalto/media/Q3YSCci_zpsdee72f3c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s415/domisoalto/Q3YSCci_zpsdee72f3c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Claira Blair Foster Age: She was 20 when she died and is now stuck at that age forever. Band: The Black Cats Position: Singer Bio: Claira's life was a good life at first. She only had her mother, as her father had left them when she was very young, but that didn't matter. Her mother was all she needed. This was why when her mother died in a car wreck when Claira was just 12 something inside of her died with her mother. The young girl became more withdrawn and with no one in her family being able or willing to care for her, she was put into foster care, which really didn't help with her grieving at all. She was moved from foster home to foster home for a while. She didn't have much to her name during this time. Besides clothes the only thing she did have that was her was a musical keyboard that had belonged to her mother(her mother had been a music teacher at a high school when she was alive) and a music box her mother had gotten for her as a child. The music box was sued every night to put her sleep when her mother was alive and after her mother died she continued to play it before going to bed. They were her most important treasures. It was at her thirteenth home since her mother's death,when she was 15, that Claira met the people that would change her life forever. Claira had been the quiet person in the back of the classroom, not really speaking to anyone and going mostly unnoticed. Especially in music class. She was one of the few who, known to everyone, always aced the tests and seem to know what she was doing as far as music went. Yet, because of this, it seemed to make her even shier than normal in music class and her teacher, wondering why she was being so withdrawn when her tests showed she knew a lot abut music, asked her to stay after class one day. When asked why he never spoke up n class, Claira just simply said she had stage fright, not wanting to go into her background with a teacher she barely knew. So, after that the teacher accommodated her, having it so when it came time to for the class to actually learn how to sing and play music, Claira was allowed to come after school and do her singing and instrumental tests after school. And one day, while singing her part for a test, three of the other students in her class happened to hear her and after that, they began approaching her more, trying to hang out with her. At first Claira was shy, refusing to interact with them, but slowly, she grew used to the presence and began to enjoy their company and consider them friends. When asked to join the band their were putting together, Claira was unsure. The only ones that had ever heard her sing was them and her music teacher. She wasn't really one to sing in front of a crowd. But, she accepted, thinking it might be a good experience for her. They played and practiced at each other's homes(except for hers because she didn't want her foster parents saying anything about it), and they got better and better. Through out her next year of being in this band she kept it from her foster parents, afraid they would send her away again. She also didn't tell her band she was in foster care and kept talking about her home life to a minimum with them. Often she would spend time at their homes, whether it be to spend the night or just hang out, and with their families, enjoying the environment of an actual family. It was rare if she was at home. A year after they had first gotten the band together, a huge contest was being held just a couple of towns over to find the 'next big thing'. They all got pretty excited and decided it would be a good opportunity for them. So, they loaded their things up and drove together, entering the contest. Not only that, they won. People were all over them, wanting to become their manager and make them big. After listening to a lot of them, and some of the teens asking opinions from their parents, they agreed on one named Mike Lulligold. It wasn't long after the televised contest though, that people dug into the backgrounds of these kids and found out her secret. That she was in foster care and currently up for adoption. People swarmed her foster home and foster care services to try and adopt her. And of course her foster parents, as they were in charge of what money he got from performing, were unwilling to see her adopted off. It was very overwhelming for Claira and seeing how badly this was affecting her (either one of the band member's parents or their new manager. if you want it to be your characters parents, then pm me and let e know) stepped up and said enough was enough. They made plans to adopt her, but that was shot down by her foster parent, greedy to keep them with her for the money she brought in. Knowing this, the normally shy and with drawn Claira for once in her life, stepped up to speak for herself and went through a huge process to get away from her foster parents. After much struggle with the adoption agency, she was able to get it approved so that (the teen's parents or manager) was in fact able to adopt her and she became truly a part of the family. After that, Claira was by far not shy or withdrawn any more. She was more relaxed, less anxious, and really happy. She was outgoing and not afraid to speak up. It was a good thing for her. A month after the adoption was finalized, the Black Cats began their tour going around and preforming for huge crowds of people. Everywhere they went they were swarmed by fans and they were often found on tv, performing as well and being interviewed. It was when she was twenty and the band had been together for five years, that the accident happened and they died. Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/4ejDOsz.jpg?1[/IMG] Other: After they died and the hotel shut down, each of the teens took over a room in the hotel to all their rooms. They were able to find their bags that they had originally brought to the hotel and got their things out, taking them to their rooms. In her own room, there is nothing there besides her keyboard in the corner and her mother's music box on the vanity. Though she often plays with these items, they remain dusty and full of cobwebs from years of not being touched by a living soul. At night, the music box can be heard playing through out the hotel.​[/center]