[Img] http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130810001453/darksouls/images/a/a6/Darkmoon_Knightess.png[/img] [b][center]Name[/center][/b] [Center]Beatrice Fendbane[/center] [B][center]Age[/center][/B] [Center]31[/center] [B][center]Appearance[/center][/b] [Center] underneath her armor lies a light build of muscle. Her skin is tan, and her hair is brown and somewhat short. [B][Center]Styles and Levels[/center][/b] [Center]Combat Magic 5, Weapon (bow and arrow) 2, Weapon (sword) 1, summon 4[/center] [B][Center]Current Abilities[/center][/b] [center] combat Magic 1 [/center] Etra 1: [b]Diseased Flame[/b] An orb of fire forms in Beatrice's grasp, and she throws it. If the target is hit, then the orb will create a small explosion of flame that lingers for 5 seconds before disappearing. This flame releases a poison that causesslowly eats away at the target unless cured. The price of this spell is that the arm used to execite it is burned. The more the arm uses the spell, the worse the burn gets. Etra 2: [b]Life Siphon[/b] Beatrice throws an orb of magic at an enemy. If hit, the enemy will suffer some sort of small injury (cut, bruise, etc.), while Beatrice regains stamina. The price of this spell Iis to suffer 3 times the pain of the injury inflicted on the target. Etra 3: [b]Gamble Mass[/b] 3 orbs of magic levitate behind Beatrice. When commanded, one, two, or all orbs are launched at one or more targets. Each orb randomly chooses the effect of one of her other spells, witht the exception of "Circle of Injury." The price of this spell is 10 minutes of pain at a random time after usage. Etra 4: [b]Frozen Lightning[/b] A lightning bolt froms in Beatrice's grasp, which is thrown. If it hits its target, it is frozen in place by ice. After 5 seconds the ice disappears and the rarget is able to move again. The price of this spell makes the arm that was used to cast it limp and useless for a minute. Etra 5: [b]Circle of Injury[/b] An orb of magic takes form in Beatrice's grasp. When thrown, it passes through flesh and hair. When the orb touches the ground, a 5-foot large circle appears where It hit. For 10 seconds anything In that circle is quickly inflicted with minor injuries that can grow into more serious injuries unless it exits its range. It's price is a broken bone after usage. A detriment is that people can move out of the circle with ease. [/center] [center][b]Weapons[/b][/center] [Center]An Estoc, a silver shortsword, and a longbow with a quiver of arrows[/center] [b][center]Personality[/center][/b] [center]She. HATES. Deities. The way she sees things, people who worship gods never seem to think for themselves. Most of the time, they watch their actions in fear of their gods, and do kind actions in love of them. Beatrice sees people like that as "less than human", using the argument that they never think for themselves and follow the command of someone who never gives direct orders and is never physically there. Years of being locked up in a prison had taken away the sense of caring in her mind, and any chance of her joining a religion was immediately destroyed. She gained violent tendencies made in response to violent devotees that were plentiful In her village. She still hesitates to hurt someone that she dislikes, though she will feel a strong urge to do it. This is because she chooses not to be a fool and make more enemies. Though that reason is also used as an excuse to kill people that she feels threatened by. Aside from being antisocial, she will often speak in an annoyed manner. On some occassions, she will become crestfallen, and attempt to not to speak.[/center] [center][b]History[/b] Some would say that herhatred of gods stems from thr loss of a loved one. This would be incorrect. Her hatred stems from something more impact than even that. As a child, she grew in an extremist village, a village that was overly devout to their gods. Every action the villagers did was done in a way that they thought would please their idols. Anyone who sinned, however slight, was severely punished, being imprisoned within a tower for a tine period based on how severe the sin was. Beatrice was an unfortinate child. Although she was taught the same beliefs as the other children In her village, she was too curious about the way their gods worked. Her questions, however childish, angered the adults. Her questions were not enough to get her punished, but it fueled the flames of hatred that would worsen her punishment that led to her own. All she had done was trip and break a statuette of a god, and yet the adults were so infuriated that they beat her and sent her to the tower. The adults were clearly overreacting, but no one disagreed with the decision to keep Beatrice locked away until she was a teenager. Her parents were the ones who had proposed It. All throughout her years of imprisonment, she had to suffer a fate worse than the torture of the uncountable moans and cries of other prisoners. She had to suffer the feeling of time coming to a halt. Prisoners were forced to keep quiet or risk getting beaten in their cell, or having their stay extended. Their cells were windowless, and separated from others. The guards only appeared to a prisoner under three circumstances. To feed them, to beat them, or to free them. The feeling of lonliness was strong, and may cause mental damage, but you cannot feel time move, then you can go insane. Despite her circumstances, her questions grew in number. Why did they do this? What point is there in this punishment. Why is this inhumane punishment even done on children? She would think and think and think, until she came to a solution. It was their gods' fault. Their mere existence had led her village to such inhumanity. She got it into her head that all they do is sit on their thrones and laugh as their followers do foolish and depraved actions in their name. She harbored and nurtered that hatred as her sentence continued. By the time she was let out, her intentions were to oppose them. But she was smart. She spent the next few years learning how to use combat magic from the mages of her village, and the years after that making attempts to modify them to do things that they were never meant to do. The modifications had come at a price. The unnatural effects forced the spells to be too strong for her body, giving painful after effects after each use. Beatrice didn't care about the price she had to pay, however. She had the ability to right the wrongs done to her. After stealing a suit of armor from the village elder's home, she began to use her spells against her village. In her eyes, her people were too inhumane to let live. It took her one night to destroy the village, and she spent 5 months recovering. After all was done, she set out on a journey to defile altars to gods, and break people free from their grasp...After long years of work, she had little impact on others. Many times was she locked up. Many times did she have to run or fight warriors devoted to their gods. She was tired. Oh so tired. Now crestfallen, but still strong to her hatred, she searches for a place where no god or devotee would bother her. [/center] [b][center]Why are you on this journey?[/center][/b] [I][center]"I only wish to live in peace, in a place where gods and their devotees will not bother me."[/center][/I] [b][center]Miscellaneous[/center][/b] [center]Beatrice tends to lean on things rather than sit.[/center] [hider=Beatrice's views on the others] [B]Celosia Alesea:[/b] There was a woman who had a sword pointed at her. The frustration I saw from her when the wielder of that blade disappeared had shown all too clearly that she had been hunting him down for quite a while. [B]Sinpher "Sin" Randol:[/b] (Hasn't met yet) [B]Zico al'Soma:[/b] There was a man who had lost a note to a combination of wind and crossbow bolts. [B]Tyrell Varn:[/b] (Hasn't met yet) [B]Nathimys Bayias:[/b] There was a creep that attempted to speak with the killer. Strange. [B]Joscelin Voclain:[/b] She is the only obe who made an attempt to check on everyone who witnessed the Wind Etra. [B]Freya Yates:[/b] (Hasn't met yet) [B]Jythrel Arbrick:[/b] There was a man who made a move to attack the killer. He ultimately failed, bit managed to break some crossbow bolts. [B]Leon Thorne:[/b] There a man who wanted to see if the woman closest to the killer was okay. He was the second person to check on her though. [B]Mayaquen:[/b] (Hasn't met yet) [B]Jitters:[/b] (Hasn't met yet) [B]Ava Zayan:[/b] That girl...She had a very peculiar puppet. Earlier some bolts had come from it. They were headed towards the killer. [B]Azelius Dural:[/b] There was a red-haired man who walked away dissapointed. Did he want the killer to murder another person? [B]Anneka Lavelle:[/b] A little girl appeared after the killer disappeared. She seemed a bit confused. [B]Atalee Vayshalum:[/b] The first one to check on the woman who had been tossed to the ground by the killer, was another woman. Her clothes give her a look that I dislike. [/hider]