Hi. Pretty sweet title huh? Anyway let's get down to business. I am up for any roleplay ideas, you name it. However I will not do straight up fandoms, we can do a roleplay in that universe with characters from that universe playing varying roles. But I will not play as Harry or Hermoine or Ron or any other main character if we were to do a Harry Potter BASED rp. I also won't have the roleplay I'm in turn into a porno, or romance novel or whatever, I don't mind some fluff (If that's your thing) or the occasional fade to black. But come on, let's keep it cleaner than TV-MA you feel me? Basic knowledge of the English language is required and anywhere to 2-3 paragraph posts is fine. Though I do prefer quality over quantity, so if there is one paragraph detailed post, that's fine. I want a story, twists and turns, intriguing characters, the works. Now, I've got some ideas. Mass Effect Based Steam punk, Dishonored style world Fallout based Plane fighter squad (Any era or universe) That's all I got for now. Throw some Ideas at me and let me know what you wanna do.