With Marcus' help Shay moved to the bedroom. She finally let go of Marcus and balanced herself, swaying just a bit. "Give me about 20 minutes" she told Marcus. "Feel free to lay down on my bed and rest yourself." She really didn't mind if the sheets got a little dirty. The found children and the unknown Russian were still in their city. Things probably wouldn't go back to normal any time soon. Shay limped to her shower throwing her sweatshirt on the floor and kicking her shoes off along the way, Red Waste dust sprinkling across the floor with her clothes. Shay, now inside her shower, took the rest of her clothes off. They had so many memories that she wanted to just burn them. Stripped down, she threw the rest of her clothes over the shower stall, her bare silhouette just slightly visible through the glossed glass. Shay stood in the shower stall, hot water rushing down her back, her bandaged leg angle to stay dry. She leaned against the wall and took a few deep breaths. The pain from the infection was starting to come only in small waves but it still felt like torture. She wanted to feel strong and confident again. She tried to put some pressure on her foot, wincing from the pain, but surprised herself with how much weight she could bare. Damned if she would stay a cripple for long! She finished showering, soaking herself clean from head to toe, carefully avoided her left bandaged leg. She washed her hair clean, the bottom of the shower covered in wet red waste muck. Shay ringed her hair to get most of the wet out, wrapped a towel around her olive body then stepped out of the shower, moving back to Marcus. "Would you like to take a shower?" She offered.